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Ten Things You Can Do in the Next 10 Days to Get Your Career on Track

By Kimberley Jace

How’s business going? Are you accomplishing everything you can, everything you ever dreamed of?

You might have a college degree in business, or even several degrees. But many educated entrepreneurs find their businesses fail. It’s not more education you need.

Maybe you think you have to “know someone” to get ahead in your career. But having all the business contacts in the world won’t create career success.

You do have to “know someone” to make it big. And that someone is YOU. Because in the end, you are going to be only as successful as you believe you can be.

Examining your own beliefs about business, then working to improve those beliefs, is a definite step toward success. Nothing else will help you as much—and until you understand how your attitudes are either helping you succeed or standing in your way, nothing else will make a difference.

In Achieving Ultimate Success in Your Business or Career from Ultimate Destiny University, you will find self-assessment questions that reveal your underlying attitudes about business, as well as material to help you understand the results, and references to the books that really make a difference -- books that teach you not how to invest time in your career, but how to invest your thoughts to bring success to you.

Can’t wait to start? Here are 10 things you can do in the next 10 days to take the first steps on the path toward ultimate business and career success. Read one item from this list each day and work on incorporating it into your life. As you add new skills, don’t forget to keep up the lessons from the earlier days. These are subtle but important changes in perspective and behavior that will help you become the most successful person you can be.

1. Stop negative talk. Decide that today, and from here on, that you will never describe your career in negative terms. Never again say, “I am burnt out” or “I’m in a position now where it’s impossible to get ahead.” Unless you actually want to stay stuck, stop sending energy to those negative concepts.

2. Visualize. Take some time to form a mental picture of yourself as someone whose career is completely fulfilling. How do you feel about going to work every day? What do you do when you have a new idea, and how confident are you that it will succeed? Develop the most complete picture you can of yourself as successful, and return to that image often throughout the day.

3. Affirm. It’s not enough to just stop saying your career or company is off-track; you must affirm that business is thriving and you are skyrocketing up the success ladder. No matter what condition you are in at this moment, you have the power to claim a better condition. When you wake up in the morning, say aloud, “Everything is coming together for me.” As you drive, repeat, “I have all the ideas and resources I need.” Before you retire at night, say aloud, “I know exactly what needs to be done tomorrow, and I feel myself moving forward.” Draw energy to that perfect vision of yourself by describing your vision in words – out loud – and often.

4. Pray. If you’re not a religious type, or not sure you believe in God, then choose your higher self, a higher power, Nature, guardian angels, or whatever you think is “out there.” Ask for help in three parts: a request, an affirmation and a thank-you. “Spirit, please send me the right opportunities. I am now on a path of growth and prosperity. Thank you, Spirit, for guiding me.”

5. Write a goal. Your business itself should have a mission statement and a clear set of short- and long-range goals. But what about you, personally? Begin with that perfect picture of yourself from Day #2, but expand it now. See yourself doing the things that a successful business person would do, and write those things down. “I can look over the past year and see progress, I am confident that I can remain successful no matter what happens to the economy, I have savings, credit and a supportive network or colleagues.”

6. Write a plan. To get from where you are to where you want to be will require action. Figure out some of the steps on that path. Do you need to consult with a business coach or mentor? Learn a new skill, such as computer proficiency or a foreign language, that will have a positive impact on your career? Choose one action plan and write down the first step. If you decide to learn something new, the first step might be researching your field to spot trends, and figuring out what skills will help you most.

7. Feel grateful. It might sound counter-intuitive to be “thankful” for a thriving business if your career is stalled or you’ve just been laid off. But that attitude of gratitude will help draw abundance to you. Thank your God, or life itself, that you have found the perfect vocation, your business is growing steadily and you love what you do. Promote yourself, in your own mind. Imagine how grateful you will feel, and hold that feeling in your heart.

8. Forgive. This is a difficult step for many people, but it’s vital. Imagine: You will only have the level of success you wish for your chief competitor. If you now believe someone is to blame for your business or career problems – a boss who passed you over for promotion, a jealous coworker who changed your comfort-level in the company – find a way to believe that they were doing the best they could do at the time. If the competition thought of something you didn’t, good for them – and good for the boost of motivation it has given you. If you’ve made bad business decisions, forgive yourself, too. You did what you knew how to do then, and now you’re learning a better way.

9. Release the past. Tied to forgiving is the idea of letting go of what was. You don’t have to be the way you’ve always been. If you think you can only handle so much business, you’re unlikely to attract more customers. If you’ve always thought of yourself as an accountant, but now you want to teach, be willing to let go of your old career priorities. Break the pattern and let go of the way things were before. You are born anew.

10. Let joy in. Sometimes we become so discouraged, we forget to appreciate the small successes that make up each day. We ignore praise and fear things will take a turn for the worse. But to have joy in your life, you’re going to have to let yourself trust in joy. Appreciate every right choice you make. Joy is often fleeting; recognize it when it comes and savor it fully. It will return more often.

You have now spent 10 days unlearning bad habits, learning good ones, and adding activities to your day. See if you can keep them up for another 10 days, and then perfect them in the 10 days after that. Pray, visualize and affirm every day. Watch what you say and think, and keep yourself positive. Forgive those who wrong you and feel grateful for the things that go right. Keep writing down your goals and action plans, and put those plans into action! When you catch yourself clinging to old ways, let them go. And let yourself feel good about it!

One month from today, you’ll be headed in a whole new direction – toward ever-increasing success and prosperity.

Achieving Ultimate Success in Your Business or Career
http://www.achievingultimatesuccess.com/ is one of 12 primary facets of discovering and co-creating your ultimate destiny. It is a component of the 14-part, 1000+ page program Co-Creating Your Ultimate Destiny Success System http://www.UltimateDestinySuccessSystem.com. There is also a membership blog site at http://ultimatesuccessinbusinessandcareer.wordpress.com/

Ultimate Destiny University also offers training to help you determine and understand your attitudes about personal relationships, physical health, and other areas. For more information, go to www.UltimateDestinyUniversity.com.

Copyright 2009 by Ultimate Destiny.
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