New Thought
Intentional Community
Demonstration Project

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Enjoy thousands of dollars worth of free resources for empowerment and enlightenment while helping create and share programs to help people discover the "real secret" of New Thought!

“Who Else Would Like to Help Create Programs and Facilities That Help People Discover How the Ancient Wisdom Known as New Thought Can Help Them Awaken to Their True Spiritual Identity, Realize More of Their Inherent Potential and Know How to Manifest Their Ultimate Destiny?”

“It has taken humanity thousands of years to learn that it
has the power to control its own destiny.” - - Ernest Holmes

Ultimate Destiny University™ has invested thousands of hours to discover, develop and design innovative systems and breakthrough processes that will help you know which of the thousands of available resources
will be most valuable to you right now to help you see, believe and achieve all you can be, do and have stewardship over! 


Every recommendation and insight and  shared in The Secret Book and Movie is included in "The Ultimate Destiny Success System!"

Are you ready to discover the real secrets to enjoying ultimate success in every area of life? 

Just imagine how empowered and successful you will feel as you:

*  realize more of your ultimate potential
*  enjoy loving supportive relationships
*  achieve ultimate success in business
*  achieve financial freedom and prosperity
*  enjoy optimal health and fitness
*  attain spiritual enlightenment and    
* enjoy peace and balance in every area of life                                                    

After several years of research and development, we’re now about ready to launch the Ultimate Destiny Success System™ (UDSS).  Whatever ultimate destiny means to you, these programs will help you discover your dreams, realize more of your potential and manifest more of your ultimate destiny!   

The Ultimate Destiny Success System consists of 15 interactive programs with over 1,000 pages on every facet of realizing your potential, fulfilling your purpose and manifesting your ultimate destiny. Each program includes quizzes, self-assessments, goal setting exercises, featured resources, and free bonuses.  The pre-launch electronic version of the Ultimate Destiny Success System is only $97. As the components are adapted to audio and video, the complete multi-media UDSS will be marketed for $497.

The 12 main areas covered in the Ultimate Destiny Success System include: Realizing Your Ultimate Potential; Fulfilling Your Life Purpose; Enjoying Positive Loving Relationships; Attaining Financial Freedom
and Prosperity; Enjoying Ultimate Health and Fitness; Achieving Ultimate Success in Business and Career; Raising Your Consciousness; Enjoying Peace and Balance; Harnessing Creative Mind Power; Attaining Spiritual Enlightenment; Fostering Personal and Planetary Sustainability; and Making A Difference and Leaving A Legacy.


Ultimate Destiny Success System

Presenting A Treasure Chest of Resources
for Leadership, Healing, Empowerment
and Transformation.

The Ultimate Destiny Success System includes the 14 stand-alone programs listed below with over 1,000 pages of self-assessment quizzes, application exercises and featured resources in each area of fulfilling your ultimate destiny.

The Ultimate Destiny Success System is available for $97 electronically, $197 for the complete set of print books and $497 for the set of e-books, CD's and an orientation DVD.

New Special Edition of the Ultimate Destiny Success System Featuring New Thought!

While we are proud of the programs and products we have co-created, it recently occurred to us that we could provide even greater services by adding more content that features New Thought resources.

We envision a series of publications and audio video programs that will help demonstrate the positive practical application of the Ancient Wisdom known as New Thought Principles and Practices.

 For example, we would like to have as many of the included quotes be from New Thought authors.

We would like to feature New Thought books, audio video programs, seminars and workshops in the list of featured resources included in every one of the 12 areas of manifesting your ultimate destiny. We also want to include personal stories of how individuals and groups have benefited from practicing New Thought.  If you resonate with this vision, please read on and consider participating as a member of our Ultimate Destiny University New Thought Research and Development Team.

“Have You (Or Someone You Know) Written A Book, Created
A Program Or Have A Story To Share That Could Help People
Discover and Apply New Thought Principles and Practices?”

How has New Thought helped you (and others you know) awaken,
realize more of your potential and discover how to enjoy a
healthier, happier, richer and more meaningful life?

We are presently seeking volunteers to help us collect these types of materials, stories and resources to share in the Special New Thought edition of the Ultimate Destiny Success System. Anyone who is interested is welcome to participate by signing up for the free Ultimate Destiny University e-zine.

 Members of our “New Thought Research and Development Team” will be given free review copies of all of the components of the UDSS. In addition, we will provide you with free access to thousands of dollars worth of valuable information and resources on empowerment, enlightenment, leadership, transformation, etc. Many of these resources have been produced by world-class authors and trainers such as Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Deepak Chopra, Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Earl Nightingale, Hale Dwoskin, Ester Hicks, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Jean Houston, etc.

 When we have collected enough resources and stories of how New Thought has helped individuals enjoy success in one or more of the 12 areas, we will publish a special edition of the Ultimate Destiny Success System.  The special edition of the UDSS will be made available to any interested New Thought Center as an introductory publication they may share with members (and potential members) on a love offering basis with 100% of any revenue generated donated back to the Center.

Expanding the Circle of Success!

The ultimate shared vision of Ultimate Destiny University and its partners is to help provide expanded access to resources for personal, professional and organizational development, partly by establishing an international network of 10,000 Empowerment Resource Centers™ and Empowerment Training Mentoring Systems™ by 2012.

Ultimate Destiny University is seeking a few New Thought Centers to participate in an innovative “Ultimate Fundraising Program” that will help centers and their members grow and prosper. We are also seeking volunteers to help evolve and expand outreach and marketing efforts of New Thought Centers by establishing model Empowerment Training Mentoring Systems™ in their Center and or community.