New Thought
Intentional Community
Demonstration Project

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Space Needed For Providing
Empowering and Enlightening Programs

CENTER SPACE (The Center for Spiritual, Personal and Community Enlightenment) and Ultimate Destiny are seeking an interim base of operations in San Diego County for our nonprofit Empowerment Resource Center.

The center will provide publications, seminars, workshops, coaching and mentoring, speakers and consulting services that  help people, organizations, businesses and communities realize their full inherent potential.

The most ideal location would be a retreat center setting with training and meeting rooms and overnight accommodations for 25 to 100 guests.

Our immediate need is a suite of executive offices, meeting, training and conference rooms, ideally with a total of from 1,500 to 4,500 square feet.

We are seeking strategic alliances with individuals, organizations or companies that might be willing to trade access to space for the wealth of training programs (and or stock in our companies) we can provide in exchange. However, we are also able and willing to compensate for the space we require.

For more information, please contact me. Thank you!

                Charles Betterton      760-212-9931