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Never Cry Purple

The sharp jingle of bells echo as the store front door marked…


opens, to accept within its mirrored walls the android structure of Mr. Bjay. His process of registering the confusion of the eternity of dimensions, which reflects his bluish hue figure, turns to novelty as he views himself at all angles.

A pudgy little old man, whose crackled voice can only speak in duple sentences, interrupts the moment.

“I am the proprietor. I am Dogmí. You must be Mr. Bjay. You must be the father. I have been expecting you. I have been waiting for you.”

     “Yes, I am he. Moreover, please accept the ‘Habituation Chip’ programmed with both my wife and my personality impulses that you asked for. In our contract we agreed the due date to be the 18th rising of light, mid-lunar, 1233, which is now, is he ready?”

     “With this, he will be complete. He will be as you and your wife.”

     Dogmí with the tiny chip in hand, turns toward the mirrored wall to which he first appeared and now disappears, his voice trailing off with, “I will get him. I will bring him to you.”

“Strange these red life beings,” Mr. Bjay thought while in the silence of oneness, yet, still feeling the uneasiness of the multitude of reflections. “Strange indeed, however, I chose to marry one.”

     The search of his puzzled memory registers to reality when Dogmí ever so uniquely reappears, only this time with the lifelike structure of a five-year-old boy. His features are the exact combination of his bluish android father standing before him, and the delicacies of his reddish life being mother, who is awaiting his arrival.

     “Do you like him, are you pleased?” stammers the abundantly stuffed Dogmí. “He is programmed just as you had instructed, just as you told me. Five years old, plenty of questions. Full of energy, never a dull moment with this boy. Now for the optional feature, the feature that cost you extra.”

     “Yes, the control switch, where is it located?”

     Dogmí places his pudgy hand on the boy’s face, as he explains, “Conveniently, it is right here in the nose. It is in what is known as the olfactory organ. It looks like a nose; however, his nose is not a nose. Duplicreations do not breathe, no need for breath. Let me demonstrate. Let me show you.”

     With his hand on the boy’s face, Dogmí continues his demonstration by physically working the device.

     “When you want him ‘on,’ twitch to the left”.

The boy’s eyes open.

“Want him ‘off,’ twitch to the right”.

The boy’s eyes close.

Dogmí duplicates his actions, and the young lad responds. “Off-on, on-off. I am also including a remote nose, a gift nose. It is good up to one mile, will work up to one-point-six kilometer.” With the remote in hand, he again proceeds to show Mr. Bjay its workings. “Off-on, on-off.”

     “I am overwhelmed, Dogmí. I compute that only a short time ago, the mere mention of mixing blue and red was a penal offense. Now, with the new ‘Wisdom Party’ governing our planet, combined with your ‘Duplicreations of Life,’ blue and red can blend. And blend you have, for he has much detail of his red life mother. Thank you for our son, Dogmí. However, we must leave now, for my wife is expecting our child within the hour. The anticipation during his construction has been very trying for her. Now, as I recall, if I twitch his nose to the left…”

     The child’s eyes open, he looks around, then into his father’s face and for the first time, speaks.

     “Hello father.” Where is mother? I do want to see her.”

     “I do also, son, however you must understand, your mother is very emotional and will probably cry, but they will be tears of joy.”

     “I know, Father, I know. But I can never cry, for I am purple.”

Mr. Bjay smiles, clasps his son’s hand, and as the jingle of bells sound, father and son exit in a wave of thank you and goodbye. Holding the door open, Mr. Bjay is startled as he transcribes and registers the reverse reflection into the mirrored walls the lettering on the door, IMGOD, the door hissing close, DUPLICREATOR OF LIFE


The sight of God hath no man seen


His image is in the mind of His creation

www.philantasy.com            www.nevercrypurple.com

Copyright 2010 Ralph Pilolli All rights reserved.