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Ring Around The Circle

An era of 'Once' or an era 'Forthcoming' is within the psyche of you who continues to read on. Your choice is to reach into the depth of your imagination and into the mind of the elected leader Presider Sirus Obolon of this continent of Aught.

He governed his people the freedom of will as to body and soul. Only to be besieged by the losing candidate Phinicas Barett and cast onto the waters or the Barraca along with his followers to fall off the edge of their known world. The now inflexible leader and his domineering belief of how a society based on health without choice of will is passed on for three generations of Obolons.

Thus this prohibition society has mustered its thoughts to freedom of will, and wants answers as what lays beyond the waters of the Barraca and the cloud covered mountains that surround them. This challenge is met by the scheming mind of the now Presider Marcus Zerus and his cohorts.

The solution is to divert the minds of these gathered troublemakers. Voila! A much publicized celebration of the aspiring invention of the bal-loon to penetrate the ubiquitous clouds that engulfs their continent. This was led by no other than the respected pioneer of the bal-loon, the great grandson of Sirus Obolon, Commander Pir Obolon. As the unpredictable happens the bal- loon tether breaks and the adventure over the unknown waters of the Barraca begins.

They discover the continent to which his great grandfather and followers had landed and Sirus Obolon' s 'Book of revenge'. Thus, commencing into an adventure of revenge, innovations, conspiracy, and greed, in other words, the manipulation of politics between two continents. Now, adjust your psyche to the era 'Once' or the era 'Forthcoming'.

Welcome to my land of Philantasy

          Ralph Pilolli


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Copyright 2010 Ralph Pilolli All rights reserved.