Cathedral Rocks, Sedona

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Welcome Rev. Diana Runge!

An Extraordinary New Year!

Moving into the New Year of 2014 many promises were being made and many promises were coming from various sources indicating that 2014 was to be an extraordinary year.  Little did I realize the impact and truth of that statement on my life.

Earlier in the year 2013 I had the gracious privilege of meeting 2 very special people that would become more important in my life than I could imagine.  First of all I met Genii Townsend and was very drawn to her and her work.  Then I met Charles, Genii’s business partner and I could see the bigger picture and how they worked together to accomplish just what Spirit desired, but at that time, I had no idea of how that would change my life.

After a few months I felt a very strong urging to move to Sedona, where Genii and Charles reside, and I thought I had already made the last move of my life.  Well, Spirit seemed to have other plans and before long I was checking into selling my home in Tucson and making plans to move to Sedona.  Not only did they not have native palm trees in Sedona (I vowed years earlier I would never live anywhere where palm trees did not grow!) but they also had SNOW!!!  of  all things  (only occasionally, thank goodness).  If Spirit was sending me somewhere else after I felt I was retired and had my life settled, couldn’t it be somewhere where the climate is always warm?  Nevertheless,  by December I found myself finalizing the moving plans to Sedona and relocating.

Still thinking,  since I had semi-retired,  I did not expect life to be very exciting.  Boy was I wrong again!  I barely got resettled and upon returning from a Christmas trip to Houston to visit my son & family for Christmas, I was invited to accompany Genii to Phoenix for a book signing and special service that Joel Osteen was offering.   That was the beginning.

While in Houston for Christmas, I dropped off Genii’s book,  SOMETHING’S COMING,  at Joel Osteen’s offices one afternoon.  He was traveling so I was not able to present it in person. 

 Now it is January 1, 2014.  I had arrived back in Sedona about midnight and the next day (Jan 2nd,  not  even unpacked yet) Genii and I are headed for Phoenix to Joel Osteen’s signing of his new book, BREAK OUT, and a special service by him on the 3rd.  Genii also brought along her marionette of Joel as a special gift for him along with another copy of her book determined to place these precious objects in his hands, but neither of us having a clue as to how this would occur.  Genii’s marionettes are very life like and take up to 8 weeks in a labor of love to make from start to finish – no small task.  But, after all, Spirit had directed that Joel Osteen receive a copy of her book explaining that it was in his DNA and he needed to have a copy, so off we go trusting Spirit to direct – and direct Spirit did.

First of all Charles had called the manager of the Barnes and Noble  bookstore informing him we were coming and told him about our precious cargo for Joel.  The manager graciously put us near the front of the line, so as not to have to wait so long.  Genii was allowed to display the precious marionette of Joel in the front near his desk where he would be signing the books, trusting Spirit to protect Joel’s marionette since it was rather delicate.  Then we waited.

About 30 minutes later Joel Osteen arrived with his entourage, his smiling face shining out from the group, as he takes his place at the table at the front of the line, which seemed days ahead of us, and again we waited still not sure how we would get Joel to acknowledge the marionette, realize its importance, and spark his interest in the book, let alone get permission for a photo with Genii and his marionette.  Well, Spirit went to work again – could we have expected anything less?

One of his entourage, Phil, was going through the crowd greeting the people and when he arrived by us, we told him of the importance of the marionette and the desire to get a picture.  His reply was not very encouraging telling us they do not do that but they would, however, take the marionette back with them for Joel.  After telling Phil of the effort Genii made to present this to him, Phil then said he would do what he could.

 After a short time, he came back and informed us that Joel agreed to a picture with Genii and the marionette (against their normal protocol) after the signing if we could wait for an hour or so.  After all the effort made to get Joel’s attention on the book, we certainly weren’t going to let a measly one more hour get in the way.  The hour passed quickly and we passed the time blessing those still in line and Genii being admired for the sparkles in her hair.  That was a big hit.  The picture was taken with Joel and the marionette, and Genii, of course, and Spirit informed us – “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED”.

The next evening we enjoyed a live presentation of Rev. Joel Osteen and his singing group with his wonderful messages of FAITH, UPLIFTMENT,  and GOD POWER.  

And this is only the beginning  --  IMAGINE THAT!!!!!   Stay tuned in for more updates to the Light Center extension as they occur.

Rev. Diana Runge

 The Sedona Light Center Blog Site

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