Ultimate Destiny Network™ QUIZ ANSWERS

What does "ultimate destiny" mean to you:

Fulfilling our purpose in life.
To be involved at your highest level of experience in the creation, development and implementation of what you love to do.
To me "ultimate destiny" means the path that you were meant to take in your life but needed help to get to.

Living examples of people fulfilling their ultimate destiny:

Dr. Steven Covey, Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Rep. Ron Paul, President Jimmy Carter, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Sai Baba.
I believe that they are all around us, bakers, builders, scientist, musicians, astronauts, military, nascar race drivers, priests, authors, school teachers, even....entrepreneurs.

My father is 59 years old and is a man who takes chances and does what he wants. My father would always tell me stories of when he was a child and lived in Chicago and my grandfather would take him to the fair. All my father would do the entire time is watch the machinery working and figure out how it worked and what were the mechanics of it. They would get home and my grandmother would ask "how was the fair" and my father would go into a full explanation of the machinery and how it worked. So its pretty obvious that my father loved mechanics and engineering even when he was small. My father got married to my mother when he was 23 and she was 20. They both went to college and were dirt poor. My father then majored in science and mechanical engineering. He started his own engineering business in a small town and true he doesn't make great deal of money but its what he loves to do. He took a chance, followed his heart, and he is happy with his business and most of all his family.

So to me my father is a person who has followed and gone down the path of his ultimate destiny and I think he is happy with it.

Other individuals who lived before:

Mohatmas Ghandi, Rev. Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa, Pope John Paul II, Pres. John F. Kennedy, Paul Wellstone, Jesus, Paramahansa Yogananda

Qualities and skills of someone who fulfills their ultimate destiny:

Hold the big vision, make plans, and follow through regardless of obstacles or other people's opinions

What does it take for someone to fulfill their ultimate destiny?

Honesty, integrity, courage, support, & connection to a Higher Power.
Unswerving commitment and dedication to what it is that they love to do.
Stop living their lives through the eyes of others and seek that which makes their heart sing. It takes a person to follow their heart and try and figure out what they are meant to do and do it, successful or not.

What can you do to fulfill your destiny?:

Have a plan and a mastermind group to help you keep track.  Have mentors and coaches who can help you achieve your dream. People can analyze themselves, figure out their strength and weaknesses, ask everyone about themselves without seeming or being egotistical and/or arrogant, and put all the information together and decide what they think they are meant to do and then go out and do it.

Available resources to help us be successful:

All of the above; it depends on what your dream is & if it requires special skill. Long walks in the city, woods and towns and as often as possible find a place where the city lights at night do not block out the sight of the our birthplace.

I think that there are books that you can read on the subject but mainly I think you just have to figure out your destiny is the old fashioned way by following your heart and thinking everything through. Also if you set time a side to just think about your self and what you do for a living and if it is what you truly want to do or if you just do it because you feel you have to and have no other choice. Then start putting other options of what you could do and what you think you want to do. Then truly think it through and figure out if your willing to take the chance and if you are, then go and do it.

Would the world be a better place if more people lived their ultimate destiny?

Yes, we were meant to live our dreams and not die with our music in us.  The more satisfied we are in life, the better we treat others, which improves the world & inspires others to do the same.

Yes because people wouldn't be doing things like having certain jobs just because they need them and the money but because it is what they truly want to do.

How important is it to you to manifest your destiny?

It is vital to do so; we are here to grow and achieve our unique gifts.
Anything less is the only and original sin. To me it is one of my main priorities because I have always had these questions running through my head, "What am I meant to do? Who am I? Is the fact that I'm here an accident or a mistake? If not why am I here and what am I meant to do?" I've also had this drive to prove my self and to always be remembered.

When I read about George Washington, Abe Lincoln, and other extremely influential people in the history books I have this craving to be remembered and loved just like them. Its weird but true and I've always had people say I am a one of a kind and is really unique and interesting and I think that that is a little bit of why I want to figure out what I am meant to do in my life time but it is also just plain old curiosity. It would also make my life seem like it has meaning in it.

What is your ultimate vision of possibilities when  more people fulfill their ultimate destiny?:

This could be a paradise on earth if we truly lived our passion and honored and respected others' quests. People doing what they love to do create calming circles of energy producing ripple zones that when combined offset the crashing waves of frenetic energy from souls and egos crying in the wilderness to be known. If more people realized their full potential and ultimate destiny then there might be honor, trust, love, harmony, bravery and decency in our world again and our world might actually be something to be proud of. 

Quotes and resources to share: (Please review our Resource List)

 "You are who you are. Nobody can change that but you.  People can help you figure out what you are meant to do but you are the only one with the power to make your ultimate destiny come true."- Unknown Source