
Helping Manifest Bucky Fuller's Vision
of "Betterment for 100% of Humanity"

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Print Books that Introduce the Universal Stewardheirship Strategic Marketing Matrix

Ultimate Destiny
Success System

Presenting A Treasure Chest of Resources
for Leadership, Healing, Empowerment,
Enlightenment and Transformation.

The Ultimate Destiny Success System includes the 14 stand-alone programs listed below with over 1,200 pages of self-assessment quizzes, application exercises and featured resources in each area of discovering and co-creating your ultimate destiny.

Each of the individual programs consists of an online Ultimate Success University Resource Center for that topic. Individual E-books are offered at introductory prices of only $9.97 (except for the 248 page Solving Your Ultimate Success Puzzle which is $14.97). The printed editions are only $14.95 to $19.95. The complete Ultimate Destiny Success System is available for $77 electronically, $97 for the complete library on a CD and $197 for the complete set of 14 print books.

Each individual program in the Ultimate Destiny Success System is designed as a stand-alone YOUniversity for Successful Living for the featured "Successful Living Skills" of Enjoying Loving Positive Relationships; Fulfilling Your Life Purpose; Achieving Ultimate Success in Business or Career, Enjoying Optimal Health and Well-Being, Enjoying Financial Freedom and Prosperity, etc.

Ultimate Destiny University for
Manifesting Your
Ultimate Destiny
Ultimate Destiny University for
Solving Your Ultimate
Destiny Success Puzzle

Ultimate Destiny University for
Realizing Your
Ultimate Potential
Ultimate Destiny University for
Enjoying Ultimate
Health and Fitness

Ultimate Destiny University for
Fulfilling Your Life
Purpose, Mission and Goals

Ultimate Destiny University for
Enjoying Loving,
Positive Relationships

Ultimate Destiny University for Achieving Ultimate Success
in Your Business or Career

Ultimate Destiny University for
Enjoying Financial
Freedom and Prosperity

Ultimate Destiny University for
Raising Your
Consciousness Level

Ultimate Destiny University for Attaining Spiritual

Ultimate Destiny University for Harnessing Your
Creative Mind Power

Ultimate Destiny University for
Enjoying Peace and
Balance in All Areas of Life

Ultimate Destiny University for
Making A Difference
and Leaving A Legacy

Ultimate Destiny University for
Fostering Personal
and Planetary Sustainability

Ultimate Destiny University for
Solving Our Personal,
Community, National and
Global Success Puzzles

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