
Helping Manifest Bucky Fuller's Vision
of "Betterment for 100% of Humanity"

*   Service   Stewardship   Sustainability

Sedona Retreat Centers and Programs

Do you offer classes or workshops that could be delivered in a retreat center
owned and operated by a cooperative venture of other resource providers?

Would you be interested in owning part of a retreat center and or earning a
percentage of profits from programs through a revenue participation agreement?

While our ultimate vision of owning and operating retreat centers will take months (or perhaps even years) to manifest, we plan to utilize the many existing facilities to begin providing programs and services that will help further introduce our vision and help generate funding for its implementation and operation.

The cofounders have decades of experience developing and facilitating educational programs and producing major development training and community empowerment events featuring world-class authors and trainers for up to 1,800 participants (www.candoresourcecenter.com). Examples of the available programs and products are featured at www.UltimateDestinyland.com, www.centerspace.com and www.candoresourcecenter.com 

We have already begun to identify potential programs we will start producing initially in Sedona and San Diego. A few examples of possible programs are provided at http://seedonow.com/sedona_institute.htm . In addition, we are conducting an inventory of the available venues.

Excerpted from  www.SedonaCollaborativeEnterprises.com     

      www.UniversalStewardheirship.com      Copyright 2012 by Universal Stewardheirship, Inc.