Five Secrets of Manifesting Your Ultimate Destiny

"Manifest your ultimate destiny" is another way of saying, "
Become what you were meant to be,"
or "Fulfill your purpose in this life."

Do you believe you were created for a specific purpose in this life, or that you chose to come to this life with
something particular to accomplish? That's your ultimate destiny.

Even if you don't yet know what your ultimate destiny is, life is an adventure of discovery! It is an adventure of
emotion and accomplishment. Here are a few of the steps involved in coming to enjoy this fantastic process in life. Whether this is all new to you, or you are well along the path toward your ultimate destiny already, check yourself against this list.

1. Get to know yourself and get started finding your ultimate destiny.

In my work as a counselor, I have been fascinated to see how some people know themselves very well and others do not. It does take time to get to know yourself. If you are still a young adult, you have many wonderful discoveries ahead of you. Whatever your age, you, like us all, have something unique and special to contribute. You are here for a positive reason! If you have attributes, physical features, etc. you don't like, they don't have to dominate your life - they can become unimportant background. You can even turn some of them into assets!

It is important to have a good understanding of both your personality and your skills. Skills are, of course, what
make you employable or entrepreneurial. They are the way you will probably make a living as you seek your ultimate destiny. And the way you will put those skills to use is largely dependent on factors we call "personality." Here, that word is meant as the broad scope of your mental and emotional make-up, not just how you come across socially.

There are many, many inventories available to help you with insights into how you "tick." I recommend taking a number of them, all the way from the unscientific ones in magazines to those that are well-validated scientifically, which may be available only through college classes or a trained professional.

Perhaps the most important thing to discover about yourself is what your key passion in life is, because nothing is more powerful in helping you find and manifest your ultimate destiny. 

2. Discover the passion that will manifest your ultimate destiny.

You may be passionate about a lot of things, but this aspect of passion relates to the potential things you could do in life. There may be activities, causes or issues you love and feel compelled to pursue. These are a good indicator of your ultimate destiny!

Your sense of your own passion will probably get more specific as you mature, but many people are aware of it, or can discover it, in their youth. If it is broad, like sports or one of the arts, keep exploring until you find what it is about that area that you most enjoy. Eventually you may get a sense of a need you can fill, that few if any other people can. Then assess the skills you have or can obtain to meet that need. Put to use the skills you have and go about building the ones you would like to have, and you will have found the tools you need for your ultimate destiny.

3. Understand the spiritual essence that leads you to your ultimate destiny.

There is incredible power in realizing and deeply grasping that your true essence is as a spiritual being. That is
something that can't and won't be changed regardless of the trials of life and how you respond to them. However, you can choose to live increasingly from that spiritual aspect of yourself, or not. You can awaken it more and more by giving attention to it, cultivating it. This is as true for someone with a strongly "this-world" orientation, a practical or scientifically oriented person, for example, as it is for a monk. The monk would probably be the first to tell you this.

Currently we are in a period of increasing spiritual consciousness, and that not largely via traditional religion. So resources abound that can guide you-find and use some!

4. Dream of your ultimate destiny -- and start to act on it now.

Dreaming, of the daytime variety, works in a variety of ways. One of them is that whatever dreams you have long had may well be tied to your passion for a cause or life work. Thus they may help you identify your passion. Another way dreaming works is after you have identified your passion.

Based on that, you consciously construct your dreams to be the most powerful expression and fulfillment of your passion that you can imagine - a true picture of your ultimate destiny. The best-selling personal development author of all time, Paul J. Meyer, has said, "Whatever you can vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon, must inevitably come to pass."

Of the four elements in that quote, we've dealt with "desire" (passion), and "imagine" (dreaming). The third,
"believe," is often a hard one. But if you find it hard to believe in your dream, jump to number four, "act," anyway.  Act as if you've achieved your ultimate destiny already.

Taking some action, and having even a small success, or positive responses from others, will greatly boost your faith in yourself and your mission -- "nothing succeeds like success." Of course, along the way will be different levels of planning, which is a critical part of the process as well.

5. Find companions to support your path towards your ultimate destiny.

In one way, it is mere common sense and a natural impulse to find people who will support you. But you do want to be careful. Carefully choose who you will first share your dreams and ambitions with, especially the grand, largest aspect of your vision. Not everyone, even those who truly love you, will necessarily understand and fully get behind your ideas. At this stage you don't need discouragement or doubters. 

So you may have to go to the periphery of your circle of friends or associates to find the right ones. One good way to do this is to seek out others with ambitions, especially challenging ones, and propose that a few of you form a mastermind group. You can meet at regular times for the specific purpose of supporting each other in the realization of each of your ultimate destinies. You can start with just one other person if that is all you can quickly find.

Are you ready to find your ultimate destiny?

Follow these five processes of knowing yourself; finding your passion; realizing your spiritual essence; dreaming and acting; and finding key supporters, and you will be well down the road of manifesting your ultimate destiny. And the journey is one to be enjoyed, so enjoy it!

About the Author:

Howard Pepper is a former mental health and relationship counselor and co-author of the Ultimate Destiny Success System that includes 14 digital books about self-discovery. The 1,000+ page system includes secrets to manifesting your ultimate destiny in business and love relationships, as well as achieving perfect health and protecting the planet. For more information visit



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Ultimate destiny, purpose in life, passion, personal development, personality, spiritual consciousness,
mastermind group, success