Harnessing Your Creative Mind Power

Harnessing My Creative Power and Subconscious Mind

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I have regular practices by which I tap into my subconscious and my creative powers (or superconscious mind) and find that it exponentially improves my accomplishments and the processes by which I achieve them, relative to relying only on conscious knowledge and effort.

○ NA      ○ 1     ○ 2      ○ 3       ○ 4       ○ 5

I know how to work with both conscious and sub/super conscious aspects of mind to bring the two together for my and others’ benefit.

○ NA      ○ 1     ○ 2      ○ 3       ○ 4       ○ 5

I understand and take advantage of how the non-conscious mind will find ways to accomplish my intentions when I consciously can see no way.

○ NA      ○ 1     ○ 2      ○ 3       ○ 4       ○ 5

I understand that “The Secret” of the ages for success and attainment can be summarized under a simple set of principles often called “The Law of Attraction,” and I am growing in my intentional use of that law.

○ NA      ○ 1     ○ 2      ○ 3       ○ 4       ○ 5

I carefully manage my time and life involvements to cultivate my use of the non-conscious mind.

○ NA      ○ 1     ○ 2      ○ 3       ○ 4       ○ 5

I apply insights, energy, etc. from my non-conscious mind to creative efforts in various aspects of life, particularly those related to my mission in life and my service to others.

○ NA      ○ 1     ○ 2      ○ 3       ○ 4       ○ 5

I regularly use tools to properly program and tap into my non-conscious mind, such as meditation, affirmations, visualization, masterminding groups, tapes of relaxation, imagery, or various sources of new information on relevant processes. 

○ NA      ○ 1     ○ 2      ○ 3       ○ 4       ○ 5

 I apply insights, energy, etc. from my non-conscious mind to creative efforts in various aspects of life, particularly those related to my mission in life and my service to others. 

○ NA      ○ 1     ○ 2      ○ 3       ○ 4       ○ 5

I rejoice in the fact that, like everyone, I am constantly creative, even if not in areas that are most often noted as creative (the arts, invention, etc.).  

○ NA      ○ 1     ○ 2      ○ 3       ○ 4       ○ 5

 I have a calm confidence that whatever information I truly have need for, I can access, because all knowledge is stored everywhere and becoming conscious of it is merely a matter of proper focus and coming into resonance with it.

○ NA      ○ 1     ○ 2      ○ 3       ○ 4       ○ 5

Whatever ultimate destiny means to you, we have created
programs and services that will help you discover your
dreams, realize more of your inherent potential and
know how to manifest your ultimate destiny!

John F. Demartini speaks of a mentor who taught him a powerful phrase to which
Demartini gives credit to the success he has enjoyed in life.  The phrase is, “I am a genius and I apply my wisdom.”  By declaring that you are a genius is not an action of arrogance; rather it is recognition of the answers and greatness that lies within you, within every human being. 

We are all geniuses and allow our aptitude to soar when we apply that which we already know.  And yet, how do we that?  How do we tap into the creative power within?  The purpose of this interactive program from Ultimate Destiny is to help you discover your creative power, harness it and then help it find expression in the world.

Features                                       Benefits

Description of the powers of the mind to create

Put the incredible power of your mind to purposeful, focused use. Discover that you may already be doing most of what will manifest your dreams—you just need to become systematic and complete.  

Information on the problem-solving powers of the mind

Apply the unbounded power of your mind to solve even long-standing problems in your life. Learn to do it with ease 

Stories showing ordinary people attracting just what they want

Learn how to attract to yourself whatever you most desire. See how ordinary people have been able to attract what they dream ofand that you can too.

Click Here to buy your copy of Tapping Your Creative Mind and Sub-Conscious for only $14.97

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with over 700 pages, featuring 13 programs and over $1,000 worth of bonuses for only $77.

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