Ultimate Destiny University Colleges and Fields of Study


(Or Field of Study)

Lead Faculty
(And or Resource Providers)

Featured Resources



Dr. Emmett Miller,  Charles Betterton


Solving Your Ultimate Destiny Success Puzzle from the Ultimate Destiny Success System (UDSS), Empowerment 101, Empowerment Resource Centers, (Empowerment Training Mentoring Systems)


Ray Stuchly, Bobbi DePorter, Peter Reding, Mark V. Hansen


Realizing Your Ultimate Potential
from UDSS,  Nightingale Conant, Paul J. Meyer, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Coach for Life, FIL, Denis Waitley, Tony Schwartz, Merl Kellogg,Don Beck/Spiral Dynamics


Fulfilling Life
Purpose and Mission

Rev. Dr. Les Turner, Rev. Dr. Audrey Turner, Howard Pepper


Fulfilling Your Life Purpose
and Mission
from UDSS
Stephen Covey, Deepak Chopra, Richard Bolles,


and Intuition

Penny Kelly
 Marilyn Schlitz
Wayne Dyer


Raising Your Consciousness Level  from UDSS, Center for Conscious Sustainable Living, EVOLVE, Jean Houston, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Andrew Beath, Ekhart Tolle


Health and

Dr. Emmett Miller,
 Penny Kelly


Enjoying Ultimate Health and Fitness  from UDSS, Dr. Miller’s programs, Andrew Weil, Deepak Chopra, Joan Borysenko, Christiane Northrup.



Merl  Kellogg,
Rev. Dr. Audrey Turner

Enjoying Loving Supportive Relationships
from UDSS

John Gray, Barry Spilchuk, Barbara DeAngeles, Gay Hendrix, Core Mastery




Rev. Dr. Les Turner, Howard Pepper


Achieving Ultimate Success in Business and Career from UDSS
Mark Victor Hansen, Brian Tracy, Income Builders International,
Chet Holmes, Roger Hamilton,
Margaret Sheppard


Genii Townsend,,
Rev. Dr. Audrey Turner

Harnessing Your Creative Power of Imagination
from UDSS, Imagine That! Light Center, Inc.



Rev. Dr. Les Turner,
Bob Proctor,
Rev. Dr. Audrey Turner


Attaining Financial Freedom and Prosperity  from UDSS, Bob Proctor, Edwene Gaines, T. Harv Eker, Mark Victor Hansen, Chris Howard, Rev. Catherine Ponder, Lynne Twist, Maria Nemeth, Siegfried Finser, Wallace Wattles, Joseph Murphy, Napoleon Hill, Eric Butterworth, Suze Orman, Joseph Murphy, Robert Kiyosaki
Joel Goldsmith




Dr. Emmett Miller,
Charles Betterton



Attaining Spiritual Enlightenment
 from UDSS, Enlightenment 101, Enlightenment Resource Centers, Ken Wilber, Andrew Cohen, What is Enlightenment.


Peace and

Rev. Audrey Turner


Enjoying Peace and Balance
 from UDSS, Ekhart Tolle, Heart Math,Doc Childre, Thich Nanh Han,
Core Mastery

Making A Difference and Leaving A Legacy


Lorie King,
Roger Hamilton


Making A Difference, Leaving A Legacy from UDSS, Paul J. Meyer, John Maxwell, John Hagaii, Lance Secretan, Mark V. Hansen, Tracy Gary, Warren Buffet, Bill and Melinda Gates, Alliance for A New Humanity

Fostering Personal and Planetary Sustainability


Penny Kelly,
Catherine Austin Fitts, Jim Lockhart


Fostering Personal and Planetary Sustainability from UDSS, CCSL (Center for Conscious Sustainable Living) ,Center for Sustainable Community, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Horst Renseller, Alisa Gravitz, Paul Hawken, Wendell Berry
