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Infopreneurship University

Providing Training, Technical Assistance
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Ultimate Destiny's Strategic Marketing Matrix System for Infopreneurship

During the past few years, the team at Ultimate Destinyland have invested thousands of hours and over $150,000 acquiring training, software and some hardware for publishing, electronic publishing, marketing and Internet marketing.  Many of the training programs we highly recommend are listed at

In our early days, we developed several comprehensive "marketing funnels" to help ensure the ultimate success of our company and affiliated non-profit organizations. Then after further research and development, the Strategic Marketing Matrix (SMM) was developed by Charles Betterton, co-founder of the Ultimate Destiny University for Successful Living and co-author of the Ultimate Destiny Success System. The purpose is to provide a visual diagram of how the many facets of a Strategic Marketecture™ work together to produce greater synergy, effectiveness, and quantum leaps.

Below is the initial application of the SMM to demonstrate how Ultimate Destiny is accomplishing its primary goal of blessing millions of people and leaving a legacy of programs and products that will eventually produce a trillion dollar legacy. There are presently three adaptations of the Strategic Marketing Matrix available. Two of them are at: ,

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to open a page on this web site with a Strategic Marketing Matrix being developed by Ultimate Destiny to demonstrate how it plans to ensure the ultimate success of of its initial print book Solving Your Ultimate Destiny Success Puzzle. Click Here for the SMM for the Ultimate Destiny Success System.

A new SMM is presently being developed to demonstrate 101 ways for authors and self-publishers to attract an agent, engage a publisher, obtain an advance and increase sales of their books. If that would be of interest to you, please send an email to with the words Strategic Marketing Matrix  in the subject line. When the draft PDF is available, a copy will be sent to you for your review and feedback.

For more resources on publishing, marketing and Internet marketing,
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