Cathedral Rocks, Sedona

The LIGHT Center

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The Fountain of Light

Q: Please describe the City fountain in the center of the City grounds and its properties.

 “First of all there is one. It stands approximately 15 feet high from the base which itself is on a pedestal of approximately 3 feet high.”

 “This magnificent structure has a velocity of frequencies that permit the fountain to have healing powers (to a certain extent) and attracting those who are near the base, the uplifting of their mental (which in itself lifts the physical systems.)”

“The light that is emitted from it is controlled by the underground surveillance technicians who have themselves had such a raising of consciousness that is beyond your local thinking. (It is known to the Genii that a complete underground City itself lay beneath the property.) The base of the fountain carries the electrical circuitry that promotes the uplifting properties that affect all who are near.”

 “The base or the bowl of the Fountain can be seen as large flower petals. Each one emanates colored lights like rolling waves of prismatic rainbows. There are four large petals facing the four cardinal points north, south, east and west. It is a light modular in action.”

“From the center, like the pistils of a flower, light extends 15 more feet into the air spilling down on those who may be seated or standing nearby.”

“The moods and attitudes then would change for the better as the frequencies connect with each person’s electrical system. Indeed this Fountain is to be enjoyed in awe and happiness as they experience it in its intensity.”

“This then is just the beginning point of your current mental projection into the City of Light. Those involved in this outer process now being spoken of are admonished not to share this information with others not involved in this process. It is to remain only in your mind for viewing with your guide.”

“Daily devotional work with the tonal –vision will not only bring it into your view mentally but through this singular process can bring it into view for the masses.”

“You are encouraged to direct your viewing daily within yourself and feel what this Fountain of Light can really do for yourself while mentally in its proximity.”

“You with the others involved have the combined power to bring forth the City into manifestation.”

“This then is the beginning of the beginning. It is sacred and modern beyond belief. It is scientifically modern beyond belief.”

“It is now a part of your life’s path should you choose to accept this blessed offering to assist in the process.”

“Welcome to the City of Light….

First in your mind,
Then in your heart,
Then on the planet for all to see.”


“God is, I am,
The City and I are one!
So Light it Be!”

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