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City of Light Embassy Visit March 13, 2015


In a meditative state of awareness, I see myself heading to a City gate entrance. I am alone and no one else is seen. It is very quiet -- Genii quiet strange . As I pass through the gate my City Guide, La-Luke, greets me with a hug, only this time no sounds and no trolley ride either. We just walk to the Embassy on some main street, where no one is seen either. Wow – interesting!  

As we arrive at the Embassy we walk into the main lobby heading for the stage. No one is in the audience where usually there are hundreds of universal beings.  

We head for the stage where Ooo-lon is seen waiting to give me a helping hand up to a waiting set of fancy chairs. My guide leaves and this massive building is in total silence. What is up? 

G: “I have been requested to come back. What is happening?" 

O: "Welcome Lady of light. Indeed you have been advised to return." 

G: "I am puzzled and why is it so quiet?" 

O: "Ah, this City prepares itself to be revealed and those usually here from galactic areas are busy bringing this forth as has been promised. So much has been said of its coming appearance and no one will be disappointed in the physical. THIS IS THE QUIET BREATH OF GOD in the pre-knowing that indeed all must be readied for this City event.” 

G: "I am not sure I understand what you are saying. What am I to report?" 

O: "To give you the exact time and day is what you look for and is difficult to explain at this time.  Permit me to give you an example, you being of the female gender where a   takes place. So then, during the physical birthing the mother is usually told to take deep breath and then push, thus to help the baby be born. 

“The quiet silence you sense in the here and now is one of those deep large scale 'God Breaths' to assist the City birthing process. With God’s breath, this City will be born in a split second, and all you have seen with your visits here, will be seen by your world. You have been called back here so I may personally tell you to be prepared." 

G: "I have been prepared for over 30 years." 

O: "I am aware, so a bit more is of no consequence. Dear one, WE PLAY NOT GAMES HERE! It is in this silence of God’s love sending the breath of life out - - activating what you in your world would consider an impossible dream coming true. It would be as if God has taken a deep breath and the next push could be it. 

“These words are not to get you excited and then leave you with nothing. It is to prepare you. It is that simple in its extraordinary complexity." 

G: "I don't know what to say." 

O: ''It has been a long wait, but every single moment has been well worth it. You will see as the waiting disappears and joy fills the air, for the City baby has been born. So then, keep rested, for the show could begin at any time. This silence says much, and God’s love brings forth the 2nd Coming of the Christ. 

“Take a deep breath, deep enough for love to makes its entrance and your planet changes in a split second. I release you now back into your world on the AH-H-H tone."

And with that the whole scene stopped, and I am back with my puppy looking to play in my world. Interesting, what is to come about. Lucky us - - Thanks God!  

Genii Townsend (trans-audio visionary)

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