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All living organisms contain Structured Water

Water inside our body's cells is structured water. The water preferred by human cells is structured into small clusters containing five to twenty molecules. What is good healthy water? It must be fit to drink, and be free of pathogens and pollutants. Municipal water in most cities is treated to make it safe to drink. The treatment, normally chlorine, kills most disease causing bacteria. That's a good thing; however, many people consider the levels of chlorine in the water to be a pollutant and it tastes bad. There is big business in chlorine removing filters. It seems we have taken the lesser of two evils in disinfecting of our water. The treatment eliminates the threat of bacterial contamination.

But does this make healthier water?

And what is structured water? Water molecules are attracted or loosely attached to each other through hydrogen bonding. In normal water this attraction makes water ”cluster” together in large assemblies of water. These clusters have size and shape; both their size and shape can affect biological organisms.

The water molecule, made up of two hydrogen and one oxygen atoms, is what most of us think of as water. The true picture is a little more complex. These molecules appear to be very gregarious. They like to get together and are seldom found alone. They will cluster in groups of from five molecules to over 600 molecules. These groups are not static. Water molecules will switch from one group to another very easily and do so often. Hydrogen bonds are being made and broken several times a nanosecond. This creates the unimaginably dynamic energy environment of water. It is the size and shape of these clusters of molecules in their never ceasing interaction that is the “structure” of water.

Structured Water is a new technology for water treatment that utilizes nature's own methods, producing cleaner, better tasting water without the use of chemicals, filters, salts, electricity or complex metal alloys for a truly maintenance-free total-treatment water conditioning system.

This new technology employs an innovative application and advanced understanding of the vortex phenomenon utilizing the dynamic characteristic of water itself to create a  Structured Water device that works at the molecular level. This “FluidMachine” alters the molecular structure of the water, activating and retaining the healthful benefits of minerals and characteristics, while excess suspended solids, contaminants and sediment are dynamically isolated or removed.

Specially tuned geometry creates an energy environment for water to structure itself. This gives water a lower surface tension and better hydrating properties. This geometric technology breaks up large low-energy water molecule clusters into smaller high energy clusters. This systematic treatment eliminates negative energy patterns (sometimes called the memory of water) and redefines the water's natural healthy energy pattern. Structured water allows us to imprint through the DNA and RNA the knowledge of its secret blue print and help one to become balanced in the universe.

Disclaimers: None of the statements in these articles or on any page of this web site have been submitted
for review, nor have they been approved by the FDA or any other regulatory agency.  This site is intended to provide educational information about our products and nothing stated is intended as medical advice or counseling. Please contact your doctor or medical practitioner with any questions about any health matter or condition.

  For further information please contact Charles Betterton at:

Ultimate Destiny Network, Inc.
P. O. Box 20072
Sedona, AZ 86341

(928) 554-4732

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