your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words,
for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your
habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”
Which of the 12
facets of manifesting
your ultimate destiny are
most important to you?
Click here for our
Welcome to Ultimate Destinyland™
Discover Your
Dreams, Fulfill Your Purpose and Manifest Your Ultimate Destiny!
“Inherently, each one of us has the
substance within to achieve whatever our goals and
dreams define. What is missing from each of us is
the training, education, knowledge and insight to
utilize what we already have.” -- Mark Twain
Ultimate Destiny Universityfor Successful Living (UDU) is a non-profit
membership organization
created to help members
and students realize more of your inherent potential, fulfill
your life purpose and manifest your ultimate destiny (whatever that
means to you personally). UDU publishes, produces and distributes programs, products
and services to facilitate personal, organizational and community
empowerment, enlightenment, consciousness, sustainability and
Ultimate Destiny University features some of the world's leading
authorities as "faculty members" and resource providers in dozens of
"colleges" and fields of
study as shown in the
diagram. The programs and featured resources cover 12
major facets of fulfilling your ultimate destiny.
Click here to read a news release
about how Armand Morin's Big Seminar has helped
of the faculty members and featured resource providers have been
given the Ultimate
Destiny Hall of Fame Award. The award recognizes individuals
and in some cases programs) that help individuals realize more of
their potential and fulfill your destiny. Included are the essential
Successful Living Skills for
the 21st Century.
Energy Exchange and
"Pay What It's Worth To You!" We are happy to provide memberships in
the Ultimate Destiny University for Successful Living
and in each of the individual "Colleges for Successful
on a voluntary donation basis, Imagine That!
Presenting A Treasure Chest of Resources
for Leadership, Healing, Empowerment, Enlightenment
and Transformation.
Ultimate Destiny Success Systemincludes the 14 stand-alone programs listed below with
over 1,200 pages
of self-assessment quizzes, application exercises and
featured resources in each area of discovering and co-creating your
ultimate destiny.
Each of the individual programs consists of an online
Ultimate Success University Resource Center for that
topic. Individual E-books are offered at introductory
prices of only $9.97 (except for the 248 page Solving
Your Ultimate Success Puzzle which is $14.97). The
printed editions are only $14.95 to $19.95. The complete
Ultimate Destiny Success System is available for $77
electronically, $97 for the complete library on a CD and $197 for the complete set of
14 print books.
Each individual program in the Ultimate
Destiny Success System is designed as a stand-alone
for Successful Living for the featured "Successful Living
Skills" of Enjoying Loving Positive Relationships; Fulfilling
Your Life Purpose; Achieving Ultimate Success in Business or
Career, Enjoying Optimal Health and Well-Being, Enjoying
Financial Freedom and Prosperity, etc.
NOTE from the
Publisher: These are not just publications! The Ultimate Destiny Success System is a
comprehensive "strategic
marketing matrix"™ of interactive
programs that offer advanced training in some of
the most essential successful living
skills for the 21st Century. It is also a “co-creative
process” designed to continuously evolve
over time through input and participation by
readers like you. Click here
for more background
details. You may also enjoy reviewing the
Foreword to the Ultimate Destiny Success System
that provides more details of how uniquely
it has been designed.
would participation in Ultimate Destiny best serve you?
Click Here for
an introduction to Ultimate Destinyland that presents
information on various ways to participate.
There have been hundreds of magazine and
newspaper article written about the history and
evolution of what is now being launched as Ultimate
University. Click here
for just a
few examples
of media coverage. Thank you!
If you would
like to help us provide
expanded access to development training programs
including the Ultimate Destiny Success System through a
network of non-profit
CAN DO! Community Resource
Centers, please
Click Here for a PDF that
presents the Overview and initial use of the Seed Grants
we are seeking.
Charles Betterton,
Ultimate Destiny Cofounder and Coauthor with
the Small Group Discussion Guidebooks
Please let us share our periodic Ultimate
Newsletter with you! Just enter your
primary email address in the box below.
We are inviting
Destiny Hall of
Fame Award
to help donate
100 million
dollars worth
of development
programs over
the next 10
years to and
to generate
greater capacity
to address the
social, economic
challenges we
Invitation to Help Us Manifest
StewardHeirShip™ of a 134 acre property south of
Sedona, AZ as a center for conscious sustainable
living, a retreat center, community land trust and
or intentional community.