About Our Purpose
CENTER SPACE is a nonprofit membership organization. Our ultimate goal is to serve as the catalyst for the establishment of an international network of 10,000 Centers for Successful Living™ and Empowerment Resource Centers
Our PurposeOur Co-Founders

CENTER SPACE, the Center for Spiritual, Personal And Community Enlightenment, is a non-profit organization that produces and disseminates uplifting publications, audio/video cassette programs, seminars, workshops, and consulting services that foster spiritual, personal and community empowerment.  CENTER SPACE's ultimate objective is to help create a better world by helping people, organizations and communities empower themselves to realize their potential, expand their capacity and harness local resources to address local issues such as poverty, discrimination, prejudice, neighborhood tensions.
CENTER SPACE, Inc. was incorporated for the following specific purposes:
To provide educational programs and materials that foster spiritual, personal, organizational
and community empowerment
To foster greater communication, cooperation and understanding among people of different races, cultures, religions and socio-economic levels
To facilitate cooperative and creative problem solving efforts between individuals, businesses, religious organizations, non-profit organizations and government
To develop models for establishing CENTER SPACE facilities & programs in other areas
Our ultimate vision is the establishment of a national and international network of local Empowerment Resource Centers™ staffed by certified Success Coaches and EmpowerMentors™ who will help Expand the Circle of Success™  We have called upon some of the world's top trainers, motivators and Success Coaches to help in this consciousness raising and community mobilization project, including Les Brown, Paul J. Meyer, Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Mark Victor Hansen, Rev. Robert Schuller, Jim Britt, Chin Ning Chu and Bonnie St. John. 

Because we trust in the Law of Compensation and want to share the inspired resources entrusted to us by Spirit, all of our programs are offered on a donation basis. The resources we offer from other resource providers are made available at at discount to CENTER SPACE members.


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