Establishing a Network of Community Economic Development
(CED) Benefit Corporations and CED Resource Centers
to "Harness the Power of CrowdFinancing"

Expanding the Circle of Success for Addressing Social, Economic and Environmental Challenges
by Combining the Principles and Practices of Community Economic Development (CED)
with the Benefit Corporation Model and Crowd Financing Provisions of the JOBS Act to
Help Foster Innovation, Collaboration, Job Creation and Sustainable Communities

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Below is a mock-up cover of a book we're developing to help generate greater awareness
of the unprecedented resources now available for making a difference, manifesting StewardHeirShip
and leaving a legacy through the Benefit Corporation model and the Crowd Funding provisions of the JOBS Act as described on this web site.

Please Click Here to participate in our brief Survey on Infopreneurship

Click Here for insights on ARI-STARTUP-ZONA and The Great Community by Arthur Morgan.