Helping Solve Personal, Community, National and Global Ultimate Destiny Success Puzzles!

Establishing a National Network of
Community Economic Development (CED) Benefit Corporations and Resource Centers

Expanding the Circle of Success for Addressing Social, Economic and Environmental Challenges by Combining the Principles and Practices of Community Economic Development (CED) with the Benefit Corporation
Model and Crowd Financing Provisions of the JOBS Act to Help Foster Innovation, Collaboration, Job Creation and Sustainable Communities

Home     Vision/Mission     CED      B Corps    Crowd Funding    State CED B Corps     Resources     Invitation     Contact .

(Please Note: This earlier conceptual web site is being reviewed for revisions and updates as of 9-10-2016)

"When a community and its people are empowered, they have the capacity to articulate their needs; to identify actions to solve those needs; and to mobilize and organize resources in pursuit of commonly defined goals. When the people of a community come together to visualize and work together to achieve a common future, they recognize that everyone--regardless of education, job, race, age, or background--has something important to contribute to personal and community empowerment. Indeed, the greater the diversity of the participants, the richer the vision and the more effective its accomplishment" -- Lorraine Garkovich, University of Kentucky

Loraine's visionary statement and the inspiring words from the song Earth by David Roth encompass our ultimate vision and mission of fostering personal, community, national and global transformation. We seek to accomplish that by providing expanded access to state-of-the-art resources for Community Economic Development training while incorporating CED principles of Self-Help, Empowerment and Capacity Building. 

Click Here for a great introduction to Crowd Funding and the JOBS Act with Candace Klein

I am especially excited about attending the expanded 5th Annual
 Global Crowdfunding Convention October 15-18 in Las Vegas!

I was so grateful to join the new Crowdfunding Professional Association and participate in the 2012, 2013 and 2014 Crowdfunding Bootcamps produced by Ruth Hedges ( with the help of Laughlin Associates and many other wonderful sponsors. One of the many connections I made at the conference was Jonathan Sandlund who recently published the most comprehensive overview I have seen yet on Crowdfunding. His article Enough with the Rhetoric: Investment Crowdfunding Works. Here’s the Proof is at

Among the 3 days of presentations and training from many leaders in this new field was the opportunity to download a 74 page PDF on Getting Started with Crowdfund Investing for Dummies. Two of the thee coauthors of the forthcoming book Crowdfund Investing for Dummies, Sherwood Neiss and Zak Cassady-Dorion were presenters. They and their coauthor Jason W. Best were honored with the Crowd Funding Visionary Award they so richly deserve.

The link to download the PDF is

This forthcoming publication from Universal Stewardheirship, Inc. will introduce the new Benefit Corporation model and the Crowd Funding Provisions of the JOBS Act. Chapters will be included on various ways that these unprecedented resources can help individuals, non-profit organizations, cause-oriented companies and communities collaborate, cocreate and help foster innovation, job creation and sustainable communities.

              Click Here for a brief overview of this project provided in a S.O.P.A.D.A. format.

     Click Here for a one-page overview of this project within an icosahedron template.

Click Here for a Power Point Presentation  (If you don't have Power Point,
you will need to Click Here first and download the free Power Point Viewer from Microsoft)

 Background History:

Twenty years ago, a student in the Community Economic Development Master's program at Southern New Hampshire University shared a vision of establishing a National CED Resource Center and a network of CED projects and practitioners. However, his project advisors felt that vision was too ambitious and they encouraged the student to scale back his project to a more realistic and manageable scope.

As a result, he established a Community Development Corporation serving Kankakee County, Illinois. The CDC transformed an abandoned 30,000 square foot National Guard Armory building into an award-winning Community Economic Development Resource Center. The Community Resource Center has served tens of thousands of area residents and has received about two million dollars in grants, contracts and donations for programs including youth leadership development, community empowerment and microenterprise development. (

Click Here for a few of the hundreds of positive newspaper articles, support letters and examples of how our innovative model helps empower communities and generate maximum cocreative participation and sponsorships.

Today, given the increasing social, economic and environmental challenges we face as individuals, communities, nations and planet, maybe it's time to revisit that proposal. . . 

In fact, as the student who shared that proposed project for helping manifest Buckminster Fuller's vision of "betterment for 100% of humanity",  I believe there has never been a better time, nor a greater need, for demonstrating the Principles and Practices of CED that include Self-Help, Empowerment and Capacity-Building.

That is why I have been inspired to share this refined vision for Expanding the Circle of Success by establishing a network, initially in the USA a "strategic marketecture™" of Community Economic Development Benefit Corporations incorporated in each state where legislation has been passed (and in a couple where legislation is pending).

     Click Here for a brief overview of this project provided in a S.O.P.A.D.A. format.

The intention is to attract individuals, not-for-profit organizations and businesses in each state to participate as cofounders, as resource providers, as beneficiaries of the training, technical assistance and access to capital the State CED B Corps will deliver and to get positioned to utilize the crowd funding provisions of the JOBS Act.

US, Inc. and CEDRC will utilize the evolutionary business planning platform and resources provided by FundingRoadMap to develop Business Plans to help each State based CED Benefit Corporation ensure their success in attracting interest, additional cofounders, sponsors, board members, and investors.

Perhaps it will be useful for me to share some of the experiences I have had since graduating from the CED Master's program that have also contributed to this "new" vision of facilitating a National Community Economic Development Resource Center as a network of CED B Corps. Through my memberships in Social Venture Network and the World Business Academy, I learned about B Corps a few years ago.

"To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order;
to put the nation in order, we must put the family in order;
to put the family in order, we must cultivate our personal life; and
to cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right." - Confucius

In our work as community organizers and community economic development specialists, the cofounders of Universal Stewardheirship, Inc. have conducted visioning, planning and strategic planning exercises for companies, non-profit organizations and communities. Two of the main questions we usually include and the top three answers to each one revealed through The Three Round Method of Brainstorming (developed by the National Center for Community Education and the CS Mott Foundation) are provided below:

(1)  What are the greatest problems affecting the quality of life in the community?

Inadequate citizen involvement in community affairs.
Inadequate leadership throughout government.
Lack of community unity and cooperation and collaboration.

(2)  What corrective measures can be taken to address those problems?

Develop more community-based programs
Expand church and community involvement.
Provide access to resources that will enhance self-help, empowerment and capacity building for individuals and organizations

In response to those results, several successful Community Resource Centers have been established and now Universal Stewardheirship, Inc and Ultimate Destiny University are launching the Expanding the Circle of Success campaign to help establish a network of locally initiated non-profit CAN DO! Community Economic Development Empowerment Resource Centers. Click Here for a few excerpts from newspaper articles about training programs produced by CAN DO! and the Community Development Resource Center and visit

"We can’t solve problems at the level of thinking
(or consciousness) where we created them." -- Albert Einstein

Excerpt from Graduation Remarks for the CED Master’s Program by Charles Betterton

During one of the classes in the 1990-1992 Community Economic Development Master’s program at Southern New Hampshire University, we spent time discussing the root causes of the problems that threaten our society. We developed the following list:

The me generation
Getting away from God
Lack of spirituality
Lack of common vision
Absence of wisdom
Focus on accumulation versus circulation
Spiritual and cultural disintegration and the
Lack of an appropriate value system and ways to express it

The following month we considered potential solutions to these problems by reflecting on the values of community economic development which we described as including:

Spiritual underpinning, a sense of oneness
Application of cooperative principles
A focus on human development along with community development
Retention of wealth in the neighborhoods
Valuing community and the larger society
Consideration and appreciation of multicultural differences in religion, values perspectives and communication and
Enabling people and communities to empower themselves

We defined the role of CED as an educational process to help people become empowered and connected with others, thereby becoming the curative process. Through the information, exercises and experiences we shared during the Master’s program, participants all completed another upward spiral in our lives and careers. We acquired skills and techniques and access to resources that can transform our lives, our organizations, our communities and our world.

In a recent workshop in Sedona, we asked participants to answer the following question:

 “Given the global economic and environmental crises, what attitudes and skills can help us apply more positive, creative, conscious and sustainable approaches?”

Here are some of the answers we received (that we have incorporated into this program):

  • Awakening to our spiritual identity.

  • Realizing more of our inherent potential.

  • Harnessing our creative mind power.

  • Flowing our energy to solutions rather than problems.

  • Remembering who we really are and why we are here.

  • Fulfilling our life purposes and missions.

  • Making a difference and leaving a legacy.

  • Maintaining a positive mental attitude.

  • Loving, serving and blessing others.

  • Applying creative thinking and problem-solving.

  • Manifesting stewardship over the rich talents and
    treasures entrusted to us by God/Spirit/Source/Creator.

America’s destiny is not power. . . . it is light.” -- Benjamin Franklin

Our ultimate vision for America is seeing (and helping) it fulfill its ultimate destiny as envisioned by Ben Franklin and as inscribed on the Statue of Liberty. We understand that is something like “Liberty, enlightening the world”.

This forthcoming book from Universal Stewardheirship, Inc. suggests that THE Foundational Principles upon which we as a people and as citizens are UNITED are
far more significant and meaningful than any personal,
social, economic or political differences, beliefs,
opinions, STATES OF mind, disagreements, or
divergent perspectives for as Benjamin Franklin said,
“The destiny of AMERICA is not power, it is Light”.

The book presents a possible future vision of a
United State of Americans. It also issues an invitation, a call
to action and a comprehensive Strategic Implementation Matrix
for  establishing a network of CAN DO! Community Economic Development Resource Centers
for Self-help, Empowerment and Capacity Building.

The Resource Centers will educate, equip and enable individuals, organizations and communities to realize more of their potential and expand their capacity to help solve the social, economic and environmental challenges we face together on what
Buckminster Fuller referred to as SpaceShip Earth and "betterment for 100% of humanity."

By providing expanded access to development training resources and "
Successful Living Skills for the 21st Century" including "infopreneurship" individuals, families and communities will be strengthened, jobs will be saved and created, and America will fulfill its ultimate destiny.

In his award-winning documentary I AM, producer Tom Shadyac asks some of today’s most
profound thinkers, two questions – What’s wrong with our world? and What can we do about it?


 Tom's insightful documentary provides background on why we incorporated Universal Stewardheirship, Inc. and the Community Economic Development Resource Center, Inc.  based on the new Benefit Corporation model.

It also validates the reasons we are launching the Expanding the Circle of Success campaign to help answer the two questions his documentary ends with: What's right with our world? and
How can we help manifest what we refer to as Earth Stewardheirship? 

“Inherently, each one of us has the substance within to achieve whatever our goals and dreams define. What is missing from each of us is the training, education, knowledge and insight to utilize what we already have.”  -- Mark Twain


The 14 stand-alone interactive programs in the Ultimate Destiny Success System Library from the non-profit Ultimate Destiny University for Successful Living provide the training, education, knowledge and insights to help individuals, organizations and communities realize and actualize more of their inherent potential.

Examples of Presentation Tools

     Click Here for a brief overview of this project provided in a S.O.P.A.D.A. format.

Icosahedron Template; Ultimate Success Puzzle Template; Strategic Implementation Matrix

  Click Here for potential “communities” that could also benefit from the Benefit Corporation model

 Invitation to Participate

Please sign up for our free periodic ezines!

When you subscribe, you can select whether you would like to receive just our general interest newsletters about Community Economic Development, Benefit Corporations, Crowd Funding etc. and or any or all of the State CED B Corps. Thank you!


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Please contact us with your comments, questions and suggestions by phone at 928-284-2671 or by email at Accredited investors are invited to request a copy of the Investment Marketing Memorandum. For an overview of available revenue participation opportunities, visit  and

Thank you!


Charles Betterton, MS CED, creator and coauthor of the 14 stand-alone titles in
the Ultimate Destiny Success System Library with the Small Group Discussion edition.  Each one includes discovery exercises, quizzes, self-assessments, application exercises, featured resources, bonuses, supplemental resources, coaching, etc.



         TED Profile

"Mr. Betterton's project for the 1990-1992 Community Economic Development Master's program at Southern New Hampshire University was to promulgate CED principles and practices. The fact that he turned down a
HUD Community Builder Fellowship worth $250,000 in 1998 (when he was earning less than $25,000 a year) to continue the non-profit community empowerment work he and his team had underway at the time demonstrates his commitment to what he and his classmates defined as the foundation of CED: self-help, empowerment and capacity building." ---
Dr. Michael Swack, Professor, the Carsey Institute, University of New Hampshire and founding Dean, School of Community Economic Development, Southern New Hampshire University

PS. Earl Nightingale, the “Dean of Motivation” and co-founder of Nightingale-Conant (the World Leader in Personal Development since 1960) told a story about a father who was trying to work who had a young son who wanted to play. The father cut a picture of the world out of a magazine and made it into a jigsaw puzzle. He gave it to his son and told him that they could play when he had put the puzzle back together. 

The father, who had imagined that it would take his son at least several minutes to complete the task, was surprised when his son returned almost instantly with the puzzle completed. When he asked his son how he had managed to put it together so quickly, his son answered: “It was easy Dad. There was a picture of a man on the other side and when I put the picture of the man together, the world was together too.” 

Universal Stewardheirship, Inc. and Ultimate Destiny University are fostering the realization of human potential and “expanding the circle of success” to help people learn how to learn, especially those who may have had limited experience with development training materials.

We are helping these individuals learn how to put their own “success puzzles” together. And just like the story about the father and his son, as the individual pieces come together for each person, the puzzle for the whole world begins to come into focus. That is why we now ask you this question:

 Which Pieces of Solving Your Universal StewardHeirShip 
Success Puzzle Are Most Important To You Personally?

(Click on any of the images below for more details about each stand-alone program)

A Comprehensive "University for StewardHeirShip"

Over 1,400 pages in 14 stand-alone digital programs!


B Lab is a nonprofit organization dedicated to using the power of business to solve social and environmental problems. Learn about B Corps at Learn about Benefit Corporations at

Click Here for our invitation to the cofounders of B Lab seeking possible collaboration and permission to reprint some of their content on our web sites, webinars and publications.

Who Else Would Like to Help Serve Millions of People All Over the World As We Distribute
100 Million Dollars Worth of Training Resources for Development, Empowerment and Enlightenment, Cocreate A Cause-Oriented and Purpose Driven Billion Dollar Enterprise (That Combines the Best of and The Best of Wal-Mart), and Leave A Trillion Dollar Legacy For Awakening, Realization of Potential and Expanding Individual and Collective Capacity to Address And Resolve Social, Economic and Environmental Challenges?


Click Here for our invitation for you to participate and benefit as a cocreator and collaborator.

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Expanding the Circle of Success

Click Here for insights on ARI-STARTUP-ZONA and The Great Community by Arthur Morgan.

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