Helping Manifest Bucky Fuller's Ultimate Vision
of "Betterment for
100% of Humanity"

Expanding the Circle of Success

An Invitation to Help Solve Social, Economic and Environmental "Ultimate Destiny Success Puzzles"
 by Combining Benefit Corporations, Crowd
Funding and Community Economic Development
in A Project to Establish A Network of Community
Resource Centers That Provide Training Programs
on Successful Living Skills for the 21 Century

Ultimate Destiny Hall of Fame Award Recipients

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Invitation for Robert Allen to Help Us "Expand the Circle of Success" by Writing a Single Foreword That Will Be Used in All 14 Titles in the Ultimate Destiny Success System That Will Feature Your Programs and Products
As An Ultimate Destiny Hall of Fame Award Recipient

Robert, thank you for all the wisdom and expertise you share as the "Steve Jobs of Infopreneurship."
My team and I are about to publish (in print and on every digital platform) 14 stand-alone titles in the
Ultimate Destiny Success System series that I created and coauthored.  The 6 additional supplemental titles in the following table are also part of the Strategic Marketing MatrixI shared with you at the Multiple Streams of Millions event in Del Mar. We will donate 100% of profits from the sale of our publications to support our Expanding the Circle of Success Campaign which is also a major component of our business model.

Charles Betterton and Robert Allen at the Multiple Streams of Millions Training where Charles shared
an example of the "Strategic Marketing Matrix"

Recipients of the Ultimate Destiny Hall of Fame Award are being invited to help Expand the Circle of Success and their products are included as Featured Resources

Robert, just yesterday, I realized that you could write one Foreword that could easily be used in all 14 titles with only minimal modifications in the first and or last sentences. They  would be slightly revised to be relevant to the specific topic of that title, Imagine That!

Each stand-alone title is an interactive guidebook and already has its own web site, blog site, affiliate program, membership services, webinars, seminars, etc. Twelve (12) of the 14 titles focus on one facet of discovering and fulfilling your ultimate destiny such as Enjoying Loving Relationships, Achieving Ultimate Success, Enjoying Financial Freedom and Prosperity, etc.

The other 2 titles in the series include the main presentation on Solving Your Ultimate Destiny Success Puzzle (which helps readers discover which other titles or "pieces of their ultimate success puzzle" will be most valuable for them personally) and Manifesting Your Ultimate Destiny which is a briefer overview and which is used by our strategic marketing partners as a free bonus in their offers.

All 14 digital and printed publications include interactive quizzes, self-assessment exercises, goal-setting and implementation planning sections, and featured resources, especially programs and products from you and our other Ultimate Destiny Hall of Fame Award recipients.

We are experimenting with possible titles broader than the short descriptions of each facet of "fulfilling your ultimate destiny" or "solving your ultimate success puzzle".  We already enjoy top organic Search Engine Positioning for all 14 keyword phrases in our titles and the two phrases we also plan to trademark.

Click Here for an example of the Introduction, Table of Contents and Word from the Coauthors included in each of the 14 titles in the Ultimate Destiny Success System

Click Here for the 12 main steps presented in each title that are designed to help readers discover their dreams and realize their ultimate success.

Click Here for an example of the Chapter on Successful Living Skills included in each of the 14 titles that is  customized for each topic like this excerpt from Enjoying Financial Freedom and Prosperity.

Click Here  for the Message from the Publisher that is included in each title

Click Here for the descriptions of each of the 14 titles. They are being refined to include both "away from" and "toward" statements as you taught us.

We plan to have all 14 titles published electronically and in print for the August workshop in Del Mar and I would love to share copies that have your Foreword. Angii suggested that I provide you with a PDF of the main title and a description of the other 13 titles.  That led to my deciding to create this web page to submit my request and provide easy access to information you may want to review.

Click Here for the PDF (that includes book marks) of the main title Solving Your Ultimate Destiny Success Puzzle. The story of how the initial single 80 page manuscript that I wrote has evolved into 14 titles is also provided as a PDF. Click Here for that.

Expanding the Circle of Success™ is the larger context within which we will publish our initial 14 titles, as well as produce seminars and webinars, and provide membership services, newsletters and affiliate programs on each topic. Click Here for a larger PDF of the following table.

The one-page diagram above was part of the more comprehensive presentation that I shared with you at the Del Mar workshop that demonstrates how we have evolved the usual marketing funnel into a Strategic Marketing Matrix™. Click Here for that previous presentation.

How Expanding the Circle of Success will Distribute 100 Million Dollars of Development Training Programs Over the Next 10 Years to and Through the Network of Community Resource Centers Including Featured Programs from our Ultimate Destiny hall of Fame Award Recipients

Robert, we are inviting you and the other Ultimate Destiny Hall of Fame Award recipients to provide introductory programs and products that we will feature through our Expanding the Circle of Success Campaign. For example, Les Brown will let us facilitate seminars and workshops on the version of his Choosing Your Own Future program that we adapted for an award-winning program that served youth as young as 7 years old in a Public Housing Authority.

Bob Proctor will surely agree to let us do the same with The Success Puzzle now that he is giving that away digitally (I just posted his new video about that to our web site at We will be asking Mark Victor Hansen for access to a digital edition of Living Your Dreams, one of his older $300 informercial programs that he has recently "closed out" for $20.

When I gave Brian Tracy his Hall of Fame plaque recently, he told me one of his top priorities is helping reach the broader audience we are targeting and he will certainly agree to provide digital access to the Phoenix Seminar on the Psychology of Achievement like Bob Proctor is doing with The Success Puzzle. In fact, Brian had already made an arrangement with that content and he produced a great series of stand-alone sessions on the Effective Manager Seminars that we will ask to distribute through all of the CED Resource Centers.

We are asking all of the award recipients to agree to let us, and the thousands of EmpowerMentors
we will train to staff the local non-profit Community Resource Centers, facilitate seminars and workshops using their Introductory programs on Successful Living for the 21st Century. In return, we will market all of their programs, products and services as a distributor or super affiliate.

Robert, we would love to be able to share an introductory program on Infopreneurship from you with tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of the people we will be reaching and introducing to Successful Living Skills for the 21 Century.

Your new MSM webinar series would be perfect for that and all we would need to develop is the guidebooks that our trained Success Coaches would use to facilitate that introductory training. Of course, we would feature all of your programs and products as upsales to those clients. MORE importantly, we will feature all of your PSIs to the corporate sponsors of all of the thousands of Centers and events we will be establishing.

The most exciting recent developments include passage of Benefit Corporation legislation in 9 States, certification of 500+ B Corps and the pending Crowd Funding provisions of the JOBS Act.

My company is establishing a national network of at least 100 (and perhaps over 1,000) new Benefit Corporations that will feature the field of Community Economic Development. I have a Master's in that field and Dr. Michael Swack, the founder of the only graduate CED program in the US, is on my team. 

Click Here for a Power Point presentation that provides an overview of CED, Benefit Corporations, B Corps, Crowd Funding and how this Expanding the Circle of Success project will serve as the primary marketing and distribution channel for the programs, products and services my team and I have developed and of course those from our featured resource providers and Ultimate Destiny Hall of Fame Award recipients like Robert Allen. See slide # 11.

Start Up Approach and Implementation

Universal Stewardheirship, Inc. (USI) and the Community Economic Development Resource Center, Inc. (CEDRC) are incorporating the initial 15 CED Benefit Corporations. USI and CEDRC will each own 10% of the cofounders shares in all of the 100-1,000 new Benefit Corporations and B Corps that we help incorporate.

Each new Company will allocate at least 10% of their shares to non-profits.  The balance of shares will be owned by the individuals, businesses, non-profits, and governmental entities that serve as cofounders and investors in each new Company.

Invitations to participate are being shared with Social Venture Network, World Business Academy, private foundations that provide Program Related Investments, and government agencies such as HUD, HHS, etc.

What Are the Ultimate Possibilities of this Project to Combine Benefit Corporations,
B Corps, Crowd Funding and Community Economic Development?

The recently passed JOBS Act creates Crowd Funding opportunities, eases IPO rules, and will let businesses advertise and raise equity capital from non-accredited investors. The JOBS Act will allow companies to generate up to a million dollars a year from up to 2,000 investors.   It allows non-accredited investors to invest in these companies based upon a percentage of their income. Each State could have hundreds of Community Economic Development companies being established through Crowd Funding.

What if we help establish two cause-oriented CED Benefit Corporations and B Corps in every State?

What if we help establish 20 such companies in each state and what if they all generate $1,000,000?

When we reach that possible level of implementation, we will have established a billion dollar enterprise that we own 10% to  20% of AND more importantly, it will function as our primary marketing and distribution infrastructure in our Strategic Marketing Matrix that I shared with you.

Robert, please consider this invitation for you to participate in this "billion dollar success story" of yet another one of your tens of thousands of students of information marketing. I will of course provide any additional information you might need for you to write one Foreword that we would use in all 14 titles.

Each of our titles will feature you and your PSIs in the Featured Resources section AND in the section on the Ultimate Destiny Hall of Fame Award program. In addition, each of the supplemental titles will include your programs, products and services just as we feature you now on our other main web and blog sites such as

THANK YOU Bob for taking time to consider and ideally to accept this mutually beneficial invitation!

    Charles E. Betterton, MSCED

President and CEO of Universal Stewardheirship, Inc. and Community Economic Development Resource Center, Inc.

Copyright 2012 by Universal Stewardheirship, Inc. All rights Reserved.