Helping Solve Personal, Community, National and Global Ultimate Destiny Success Puzzles!

Establishing a National Network of
Community Economic Development (CED) Benefit Corporations and Resource Centers

Expanding the Circle of Success for Addressing Social, Economic and Environmental Challenges by Combining the Principles and Practices of Community Economic Development (CED) with the Benefit Corporation
Model and Crowd Funding Provisions of the JOBS Act to Help Foster Innovation, Collaboration, Job Creation and Sustainable Communities

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Vision and Mission of Creating A Network of Development Opportunities!

Our ultimate vision is to Expand the Circle of Success for Solving Our Personal, Community and Global Success Puzzles by helping establish a network of CED Benefit Corporations and non-profit Community Resource Centers that will provide training, especially for underserved populations, from Ultimate Destiny Hall of Fame Award recipients and other experts on Successful Living Skills for the 21st Century including Infopreneurship.

Click Here for a brief overview of this project provided in a S.O.P.A.D.A. format.

"When a community and its people are empowered, they have the capacity to articulate their needs; to identify actions to solve those needs; and to mobilize and organize resources in pursuit of commonly defined goals. When the people of a community come together to visualize and work together to achieve a common future, they recognize that everyone--regardless of education, job, race, age, or background--has something important to contribute to personal and community empowerment. Indeed, the greater the diversity of the participants, the richer the vision and the more effective its accomplishment" -- Lorraine Garkovich, University of Kentucky

The cofounders of Universal Stewardheirship, Inc. and the National Community Economic Development Resource Center, Inc. have a shared vision that our mission includes reaching, serving and blessing millions of underserved people and helping create and save jobs. Our strategy for accomplishing that is to provide expanded access to some of the world's best development training programs, partly through a network of Community Economic Development Empowerment Resource Centers™ as described at

Our programs are based on about 40 years of experience in designing and implementing innovative new ways to help Expand the Circle of Success. We know from personal experience that many if not most leading training companies focus just on the top 10% to 13% of the population.

 Charles Betterton, cofounder of Ultimate Destinyland
with an ETMS (Empowerment Training
Mentoring System) located within a model Empowerment Resource Center
in San Diego, CA.

If you would like to review the larger vision of how we plan to help establish hundreds of locally initiated Community Empowerment Resource Centers, please visit and review a recent PRWeb news release at

In our work as community organizers and community economic development specialists, the cofounders
have conducted visioning, planning and strategic planning exercises for non-profit organizations and communities. Two of the main questions we usually include and the top three answers to each one revealed through The Three Round Method of Brainstorming are provided below:

(1)  What are the greatest problems affecting the quality of life in the community?

Inadequate citizen involvement in community affairs.
Inadequate leadership throughout government.
Lack of community unity and cooperation and collaboration.

(2)  What corrective measures can be taken to address those problems?

Expand church and community involvement.
Develop more community-based programs
Provide access to resources that will enhance self-help, empowerment and capacity building for individuals and organizations

In response to those results, several successful Community Resource Centers have been established and
now Ultimate Destiny is launching the Expanding the Circle of Success campaign to help establish a network of locally initiated non-profit CAN DO! Community Economic Development Empowerment Resource Centers. Click Here for a few excerpts from newspaper articles about
training programs produced by CAN DO! and the Community Development Resource Center and visit

Whatever you can vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and
enthusiastically act upon, must inevitably come to pass.” --Paul J. Meyer

Earl Nightingale, the “Dean of Motivation” and co-founder of Nightingale-Conant, told a story about a father who was trying to work who had a young son who wanted to play. The father cut a picture of the world out of a magazine and made it into a jigsaw puzzle. He gave it to his son and told him that they could play when he had put the puzzle back together. 

The father, who had imagined that it would take his son at least several minutes to complete the task, was surprised when his son returned almost instantly back with the puzzle completed. When he asked his son how he had managed to put it together so quickly, his son answered: “It was easy Dad. There was a picture of a man on the other side and when I put the picture of the man together, the world was together too.” 

Ultimate Destiny is fostering the realization of human potential and “expanding the circle of success” through the establishment of an international network of facilities and facilitators that provide resources for personal, organizational, and community empowerment. Our team has been conducting research for more than 40 years on the best programs, products and trainers to discover those that actually deliver results and help participants learn how to develop successful living skills.

We have developed dozens of new proprietary programs, products and systems that help people learn how to learn. We have also developed strategic alliances with the producers of best-selling programs and have developed adaptations of their programs designed to be more effective for the populations we serve, especially those who may have had limited experience with development training materials.

We are helping these individuals learn how to put their own “success puzzles” together. And just like the story about the father and his son, as the individual pieces come together for each person, the puzzle for the whole world begins to come into focus. That is why we now ask you this question:

Which Pieces of Solving Your Ultimate Destiny
Success Puzzle Are Most Important To You Personally?

A Comprehensive "University for Successful Living"

Over 1,200 pages in 14 stand-alone digital programs!

We Invite You to Try Out Any or All of the Titles In Our Ultimate Destiny Success System Library Through our Pay What Its Worth To You Program!
Click on any of the images above to learn more about that program.

The Great Community will achieve a living unity. It will not be just an aggregation of individuals, families, congregations, firms, cliques, and interests. Holding that 'that which unites us is greater than that which separates us,' it will develop unity of outlook, purpose, and program without thwarting individual or group autonomy. Its various organizations will not tear the community apart to advance themselves, but will be agencies of an enlarging and unifying community life." 
-- Arthur Morgan. Author of The Small Community and The Great Community in the 1940's, Arthur Morgan also founded Community Service, Inc. and he served as President of Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio. Click Here for an expanded article on The Great Community.

Click Here for one example of the types of programs would be designed and delivered is demonstrated in the Success Center Partnership Newsletter from an award-winning application. We plan to produce introductory materials on the Resource Center including brochures, print and electronic newsletters, etc. along with continuing refinements to this web site, a related blog site, and completion of a Success Puzzle Template for the Resource Center like the example provided for Sedona Collaborative Enterprises.

Click Here to review an example of an introductory print newsletter developed for the Success Center Partnership that introduces some of the world's best resource providers and examples of Successful Living Skills for the 21st Century that would be provided through the Community Resource Center.

Following are links to PDF documents that introduce some of the resources and prior programs produced by CENTER SPACE and CAN DO! that would be available for replication in local Resource Centers. They include Empowerment Resource Showcases, the Introduction to Personal Success Techniques Seminars,
a Community Unity Celebration featuring Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and Les Brown, personal and professional development training programs featuring some of the top trainers in the world such as Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Les Brown, Mark Victor Hansen and Bonnie St. John.

These programs are designed to be coproduced and sponsored by non-profit organizations, companies, chambers of commerce and local government as ways to introduce and demonstrate the available programs and generate funding for the local Resource Centers.

Our Expanding the Circle of Success Campaign seeks to establish a national, and then international network of locally initiated, non-profit Community Economic Development Resource Centers (

We are planning to issue a Request For Proposals in 2012 inviting participation by any county, city or community in Arizona that would like to let us help them establish a local non-profit CAN DO! CED Empowerment Resource Center to help design and deliver Community Economic Development programs and resources for their residents.


Click Here for the Strategic Implementation Matrix™ for establishing a network of CED Empowerment Resource Centers developed by Charles Betterton, cofounder of Ultimate Destiny University for Successful Living.

Evolution of the Community Development Resource Centers Project

The present evolution of this Vision and Strategic Implementation Matrix for establishing a national network of CAN DO! Community Economic Development Empowerment Resource Centers was initially articulated in a response to then President Elect Obama's invitation through for citizens to suggest possible enhancements to the Federal Government.

Click Here if you would like to review a PDF document that further introduces how the Campaign seeks to apply the principles and practices of Community Economic Development that include Self-Help, Empowerment and Capacity Building to help create and save millions of jobs and help millions of people learn how benefit from Successful Living Skills for the 21st Century.

As I reviewed HUD's Five Year Strategic Plan, I was inspired and deeply appreciative of the comprehensive vision and mission developed under Secretary Shaun Donovan. The Plan and the five major goals it establishes are far more in alignment with the principles and practices of Community Economic Development that include Self-Help, Empowerment and Capacity Building than the five Administrations I had previously served under.

Goal 1: Strengthen the Nation's Housing Market To Bolster the Economy and Protect Consumers
Goal 2: Meet the Need for Quality Affordable Rental Homes
Goal 3: Utilize Housing as a Platform for Improving Quality of Life
Goal 4: Build Inclusive and Sustainable Communities Free From Discrimination
Goal 5: Transform the Way HUD Does Business

Click on the link for more details

In recent months, HUD has initiated several other innovative new programs that we believe would benefit from the inclusion of the programs, products and systems available to and through the network of CAN DO! Community Economic Development Resource Centers.  Some of these highly relevant HUD programs include: Sustainable Housing and Communities; Choice Neighborhoods; and Strong Cities, Strong Communities.

Click Here for more details on each of these significant and substantial HUD programs that reinforce our vision and suggestion that HUD could and perhaps should be the lead Federal Agency in helping ensure the success of the Strategic Implementation Matrix for establishing a national network of CAN DO! Community Economic Development Empowerment Resource Centers.

Click Here for a PDF document that presents an overview of the CAN DO! Community Economic Development Empowerment Resource Centers. The document includes more specific details of the project components, the management team, interim project budget, details of how the project funding will be administered, etc.