Painting © Madeleine Tuttle

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New Thought E-Books

This initial list of downloadable New Thought documents is courtesy of the Center for Positive Living Sedona

The Original 1926 Science of Mind - Ernest Holmes

     The original published version of the Science of Mind, this book is based on the teaching of Love and Law.  As the Love of God is perfect, so too is the Law of God perfect.  Written as a series of lessons, this book puts some of the great truths known to the enlightened of all ages into print.

Creative Mind - Ernest Holmes

   The first book written by Ernest Holmes, this book presents an effective way to harness your creativity through the use of your innate inner wisdom.

Creative Mind and Success - Ernest Holmes

    A companion to Creative Mind, this is the consummate guide to the power of positive thought in finance, the workplace, and as a motivating force in the living out of one's dreams.

The Philosophy of Jesus - Ernest Holmes

   Jesus had access to a spiritual power that he used in every way.  This book looks at the nature of that power, how it operates, and how we might use it in our own lives in helping ourselves and helping others.

Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

     A classic book, it describes 13 steps to riches.  The author considered it a textbook on individual achievement that came directly from the experiences of hundreds of America's most successful m

The Science of Getting Rich - Wallace Wattles

    This is a practical manual and not a philosophical treatise.  Consistent practice of the instructions in this book will allow the reader to realize in exact proportion the definiteness of their vision, the fixity of their purpose, the steadiness of their faith, and the depth of their gratitude.

How to be a Genius - Wallace Wattles

     Subtitled, "The Science of Being Great," this book reminds us the Principle of Power gives us just what we ask; if we only undertake little things, it only gives us power for little things.  However, if we try to do great things in a great way, it gives us all the power there is.

The Creative Process in the Individual - Thomas Troward

     This book speaks to the Law of Cause and Effect and there is a natural sequence of creative action that commences with thought.

The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science - Thomas Troward

     This book contains a series of lectures that address universal Principles governing the relation between Mental Action and Material Conditions.

Part of the Change - Neale Donald Walsch

    This book looks at what we can do in a practical way to become part of the change we wish to see.  It suggests 10 thing we can do, be or have to become this change:

  1. Announce ourselves to each other

  2. Agree with ourselves about each other

  3. Align ourselves with each other

  4. Stop separating ourselves from God

  5. Begin living the truths we say we believe

  6. Commit to being known, commit to being free

  7. Commit to being a leader and forget the outcome

  8. Deal with disappointment and redefine failure

  9. Get real, get practical, get going

  10. Never take no for an answer