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The University
for Godhood


Providing Resources for Helping
You A.R.K.-- Awaken to Spirit;
ealize More of Your Potential; and
now How to Fulfill Your Divine Destiny

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A Partial List of Books Available from CENTER SPACE on Godhood and Spiritual Enlightenment

Rise and Shine with 7 Ascension Attitudes

Charles Betterton

Crowned with the Ultimate Success of the Lord                             

Charles Betterton

Setting Spiritually Centered New Year's Resolutions 

Charles Betterton

Entering Into a Partnership Agreement with God  

Charles Betterton

Discovering and Manifesting Our Dreams Through Cocreative Visioning and Strategic Planning

Charles Betterton

Solving Your Ultimate Destiny Success Puzzle

Charles Betterton with Coauthors

Attaining Spiritual Enlightenment                                                        

Charles Betterton with Coauthors

The City of Light Sedona                                                                   

Genii Townsend

T.U.L.I.P.S. -- The Ultimate Life Inpowerment Planning System


For a more complete list of all titles, please visit The University for Godhood A-store

For a more complete list of all titles, please visit The University for Godhood A-store

A Partial List of E-books Available (or Coming Soon) from CENTER SPACE

Attaining Spiritual Enlightenment
Solving Your Ultimate Destiny Success Puzzle
The City of Light Sedona

Additional Publications In Process

Pending Reprints of Classic Public Domain Works

Prosperity God's Way Charles Fillmore
Think and Grow Rich   Napoleon Hill
Science of Mind Ernest Holmes
Creative Mind Ernest Holmes
Creative Mind and Success Ernest Holmes
Acres of Diamonds Russell Conwell
God Calling Two Listeners
The Way to the Kingdom Joseph Benner
Secret of the Ages Robert Collier
The Science of Getting Rich Wallace Wattles

We also Feature Publications from the Following:

Resources from HeartMath ®, HayHouse , Nightingale-Conant, Deepak Chopra, Florence Scovel Schinn, Wayne Dyer, Paul J. Meyer, Joel Osteen, John Maxwell, Dr. Emmett Miller,  Norman Vincent Peale, Eric Butterworth, Joel Goldsmith, Charles Fillmore, Ernest Holmes, Catherine Ponder, Joseph Murphy, Sir John Marks Templeton, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Roy Eugene Davis, etc. along with audio and video programs from Nightingale-Conant, Ultimate Destiny University, The Love Center, Hay House, Spiritual Cinema, Your Success Store, Injoy, Leadership Motivation International, etc.

For a more complete list of all titles, please visit The University for Godhood A-store

Please share your recommendations for additional titles and other programs,
products and resources we could add to this list. Thank You!

Norman Vincent Peale, Charles Betterton
and Les Brown at the Community Unity Celebration CENTER SPACE produced in 1990 that led to the University for Godhood.

We depend on donations and contributions to help cover the costs of operating this web site and responding to requests for our services and publications. If you would like to help support the work of this CENTER SPACE project, you may do so in whatever way resonates with you. For example, you may join us as a Founding Member, make a one time donation, make an annual pledge and or donate stock. 

Your donations to CENTER SPACE are tax deductible. You may share your love offerings with us by check or credit card. Please contact us at 760-212-9931 with any questions or to make special arrangements that best suit your interests and needs.

Thank you!
Charles Betterton

Cofounder of CENTER SPACE and Ultimate Destiny University  

Copyright 2011-2012 by CENTER SPACE    All Rights Reserved.