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Featured Resources

This page will include a master list of all the featured resources included in the individual pages for personal, community and global along with hundreds of other books, audio video programs, seminars and workshops, webinars and teleseminars. Those resources will include Co-creative Visioning and Strategic Planning, The Three Round Method of Brainstorming, How To Create a Success Center Partnership for Your Public Housing Authority or Community Development Corporation, etc. We will also provide customer reviews and recommendations on the resources.

Ultimate Destiny Success System

Ultimate Destiny Success System

After several years of research and development, Ultimate Destiny Network is now ready to launch the Ultimate Destiny Success System™ (UDSS). Whatever ultimate destiny means to any individual, these programs help participants discover their dreams, realize more of their potential and manifest more of their ultimate destiny!

The Ultimate Destiny Success System consists of 14 interactive programs with over 1,000 pages on every facet of realizing your potential, fulfilling your purpose and manifesting your ultimate destiny. Each program includes quizzes, self-assessments, goal setting and application exercises, featured resources, and free bonuses.

The main areas covered in the Ultimate Destiny Success System include:

Realizing Your Ultimate Potential; Fulfilling Your Life Purpose; Enjoying Loving Relationships; Attaining Financial Freedom and Prosperity; Enjoying Ultimate Health and Fitness; Achieving Ultimate Success in Business and Career; Raising Your Consciousness; Enjoying Peace and Balance; Harnessing Creative Mind Power; Attaining Spiritual Enlightenment; Fostering Personal and Planetary Sustainability; and Making A Difference and Leaving A Legacy.

Solving Our Personal, Community and Global Success Puzzles Playshops

We are building a supplemental web site on Mega Successful Living Skills for the Third Millennium that also shares some Mega Success Stories and resources for self-publishing, electronic publishing and Ultimate Publishing and Internet Marketing Resources.

All of the digital programs in the Ultimate Destiny Success System Library are available from Ultimate Destiny on a “Pay It Forward” or “Pay What It’s Worth To You” basis with this CAN DO! project receiving 100% of any proceeds . See www.PayWhatItsWothToYou.com for details.

ETMS™ Empowerment Training Mentoring Systems™

Providing programs, products and services that foster self-help, empowerment and capacity building by helping people discover how to learn more effectively, love more meaningfully, live more successfully and leave a legacy!

The vision of Ultimate Destinyland™ is to contribute to the process of awakening, consciousness and transformation. Our mission is to co-creatively design, establish and support a global marketing and distribution infrastructure to provide programs, products and services that help individuals, organizations, and communities discover and manifest their ultimate destiny.

The primary purpose of Ultimate Destiny is to develop, create, attract, grow and retain new customers for our companies, affiliated non-profit organizations and strategic alliance partners. The resource providers receive such valuable benefits that they gratefully provide access to their products at discounted prices, access to their distribution channels, and their co-creative participation in our empowering events, programs and affiliated non-profit projects including our network of ETMS. We plan to establish ETMS in 100,000 locations throughout the world, beginning with the donation of 10,000 ETMS worth $10,000 each over a 10 year period.

Empowerment Training Mentoring Systems Ares of Focus:

Personal Growth

Heart Math Coherence, Self-assessment Instruments, Resource Centers,

Youth and Women’s Empowerment

Quantum Learning, Discovery Exercises, Certification of Facilitators

Organizational Development

Inspired Learning, Successful Living Coaches, On Line Learning

Community Development

Super Teaching, Empower Mentors, Interactive Multi-Media

Corporate Development

The Love Center

Empowerment Consultants

Resource Showcases

Successful Living Skills

Master Mind Groups

Community Partnerships

Self-Employment Training

Mastery Television, Local Support Groups, Strategic Alliances

Transformation and Consciousness

Edutainment and Video Games

Teleseminars and Webinars

Co-creative Visioneering

Speaker Training


Internet Marketing

Seminars and Workshops

Examples of CAN DO! Presenters

CAN DO! Development Training Programs Presenters

Following is a list of some of the top trainers who have been identified to serve as the “faculty” and featured resource providers for CAN DO! events. Several of them have received the Ultimate Destiny Hall of Fame Award as someone who is both living their ultimate destiny while helping others fulfill theirs.

They include: Les Brown, Mark Victor Hansen, Jim Rohn, Bonnie St. John, Brian Tracy, Paul J. Meyer and Chin-Ning Chu. CENTER SPACE and Ultimate Destiny University for Successful Living have produced live CAN DO! community empowerment programs for up to 1,800 participants since 1990 with these and other world-class authors and trainers.

Les Brown

Marilyn King

Bonnie St. John

Brian Tracy

Lisa Nichols

Jim Rohn

Ron Heagy

Chin-Ning Chu

Jack Canfield

Mark Victor Hansen

Lynne Twist

Maria Nemeth

Janeen Brady

Scott and Shannon Peck

Here are a few more resources that will be provided with more detailed information and links as this page is developed:

Total Person Newsletter

LMI, Leadership Motivation Inc.

Phoenix Seminar of the Psychology of Achievement

PST, Personal Success Techniques

My Ideal Image

Success Map

Safety Kids

Living Your Dreams

Say Yes to Success with Les

Empowerment Marionettes

Success University

Coaching and Mentoring training-of-trainers

Youth Essay Contests

Micro-Enterprise Development



Wheel of Life Exercises


DISC profiles

Motivision 21 Steps

Co-creative Visioning

Three Round Method of Brainstorming

Ultimate Destiny Success System

CAN DO! Resource Center

Pay What It's Worth To You!

Ultimate Publishing, Internet and Marketing Resources

Ultimate Destiny Hall of Fame Award

Ultimate Destiny Hall of Fame Award

Copyright 2010-2012 Universal Stewardheirship, Inc. All rights reserved.
