Yavapai County Community Resource Center
Fostering Volunteerism, Civic Engagement, Leadership and Community Economic Development

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Resources Available Through the Community Resource Center

“By applying the entrepreneurial CAN DO! attitude and the community economic development principles of self-help, empowerment and capacity-building, together we can all help create a shared vision of a better world. We can co-create loving, nurturing communities where individuals and organizations realize more of their inherent potential by applying the universal laws of successful living. We can envision and actualize our highest possible individual and collective potential by living, growing and serving together in harmony with love, hope, trust, and respect for everyone regardless of race, creed, age, gender, or religious preferences. Together, Yes We CAN DO!" -- Charles Betterton, cofounder of CAN DO! Resource Center and Ultimate Destinyland

This page will provide details of the featured resources that will be made available through the Resource Center to help meet the needs of participating individuals, non-profit organizations, businesses, government agencies, etc. Many of these programs, products and services will be provided for free or on a donation basis to members and participants of the Community Resource Center.

For an introduction to the types of resources that will be made available, please visit www.ultimatedestinyland.com, www.ultimatedestinyuniversity.org, www.paywhatitsworthtoyou.com and  www.successfullivingskillsforthe21century.com.

Click Here for an example of a resource on Leadership that will be available through the Resource Center

My Own Business Course and Resources  http://www.myownbusiness.org/resources_proud.html
