
Helping Manifest Bucky Fuller's Vision
of "Betterment for 100% of Humanity"

*   Service   Stewardship   Sustainability

Our ultimate vision is to Expand the Circle of Success for Solving Our Personal, Community and Global Success Puzzles by helping establish a network of non-profit Community Resource Centers that will provide Successful Living Skills for the 21st Century including Infopreneurship.

Helping Solve Personal, Community and Global "Ultimate Destiny Success Puzzles"

Following is a mock-up cover of a book we are developing to help generate greater awareness of the unprecedented resources now available for making a difference, manifesting StewardHeirShip and leaving a legacy through the Benefit Corporation model, CrowdFunding and forthcoming Equity CrowdFinancing provisions of the JOBS Act as described at http://www.cedbcorp.org.



Universal Stewardheirship, Inc. (USI) is a multi-faceted Strategic Marketecture™ comprised of cause-oriented companies, non-profit organizations, and strategic alliance partners that publish, produce, market and distribute programs, products and services to facilitate personal, organizational and community empowerment, transformation and sustainability. Click Here to see how USI is like an icosahedron.

Universal StewardHeirShip Helps Individuals, Organizations and Communities A.R.K.

Awaken to our identity as spiritual beings having a spiritual experience temporarily in a human body
Realize (and actualize) more of their inherent potential to help address the challenges we face and
Know how to co-create their ultimate destiny of StewardHeirShip

In his award-winning documentary I AM, producer Tom Shadyac asks some of today’s most profound thinkers, two questions – What’s wrong with our world, and what can we do about it?


Tom's insightful documentary provides background on why we incorporated Universal Stewardheirship, Inc. based on the new Benefit Corporation model. It also validates the reasons we are launching our Expanding the Circle of Success campaign to help answer the two questions his documentary ends with: What's right with our world? and How can we help manifest what we refer to as Earth Stewardheirship?  Please visit  www.iamthedoc.com, watch the trailer, the movie on TV and cable and  buy the DVD. Thank you!

 Like the new Benefit Corporation model, Universal Stewardheirship, Inc. is based on the 4 Ps of Purpose, People, Planet and Profits.  We are forever grateful for our participation in the World Business Academy and Social Venture Network where we first learned of B Corps and many other leading edge strategies for more conscious and sustainable approaches to Earth StewardHeirShip!

We plan to allocate 40% of the shares in the Company (possibly as "phantom stock") to affiliated not-for-profit organizations (NPOs). For example, we will continue our collaborative partnerships with CENTER SPACE (Center for Spiritual, Personal And Community Enlightenment) and Ultimate Destiny University for Successful Living and we will serve as their publisher and distributor. We will also continue to support organizations such as Social Venture Network, the Institute of HeartMathIONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences), the Foundation for Inspired Learning, Ultimate Water for Humanity, The Love Center, the New Thought University, and the International Institute for Global Leadership.

Another 10% of the shares in the Company will be allocated to Strategic Marketing Partners with expertise in marketing, publishing, publicity, corporate sponsorships, Internet marketing such as Brendon Buchard, Steve Harrison, Matthew Bennett, Arielle Ford, Mark Victor Hansen, Armand Morin, David Riklan, Peggy McColl, etc.

Participating individuals, companies and non-profit organizations would retain ownership of their intellectual properties that they would make available through licensing, affiliate programs or other mutually agreed upon arrangements.  The NPOs allocated a percentage of shares would be required to designate a representative to serve on an advisory committee. The Company would also tithe 10% pretax profits to NPOs including others that would be identified on an annual basis.

Click Here for our invitation for you to participate and benefit as a cocreator and collaborator.

Which Pieces of Solving Your "Universal StewardHeirShip 
Success Puzzle" Are Most Important To You Personally?

Benjamin Franklin said: "The destiny of America is not power, it is light." We believe the ultimate destiny of the USA is enlightenment  or "enlightening the world" as inscribed on the Statue of Liberty. We have a vision of how "A United State of Americans" can help fulfill our destiny and provide enhanced opportunities for "betterment for 100% of humanity".

That includes establishing a network of non-profit CAN DO! Community Economic Development Empowerment Resource Centers that will provide expanded access to "Successful Living Skills for the 21st Century" including the relatively new field of Infopreneurship. Click Here to complete our brief Survey on Infopreneurship.

Introductory Books from Universal StewardHeirShip:

These forthcoming books from Universal Stewardheirship, Inc. introduce StewardHeirShip and the new Stewardheirship University for Successful Living. They also present a vision and  Strategic Implementation Matrix for Expanding The Circle Of Success and helping individuals, organizations and communities realize and actualize more of their potential and capacity for addressing the increasing social, economic and environmental challenges we face together.

The opportunities inherent in those challenges and the increased focus on personal development, spiritual enlightenment and sustainable living were predicted in an article, Future Market Place: Consumer Heaven, from the 1997 issue of The Futurist.

Our Ultimate Vision is a world of more fully actualized individuals living in a higher and more enlightened consciousness of StewardHeirShip™ as our shared destiny. That encompasses Bucky Fuller’s vision of “betterment for 100% of humankind”, Arthur Morgan's works including The Great Community, Donald Curtis’ vision in his book,  Helping Heaven Happen and an adaptation of Abraham Maslow's work to our vision of fostering the cocreation of "fully actualizing communities". Our vision also incorporates the principles and practices of Community Economic Development that include Self-Help, Empowerment and Capacity Building.

Our Mission is to: facilitate spiritual, personal, community and global empowerment and enlightenment; foster personal, social and global transformation; and help millions of people A.R.K. (Awaken to Spirit, Realize more of their potential and Know how to discover and cocreate their ultimate destiny (whatever that means to each one) by publishing, producing and distributing programs, products and services that accomplish those desired outcomes.

Our Co-creative Organizational Strategy. The cofounders believe that what we are cocreating together is far beyond any company or non-profit organization. It is beyond a university, religion, philosophy, or any particular discipline or field of study.  Our programs address mind, body and spirit, etc. and they encompass most if not all of the major developmental disciplines such as personal, professional, organizational, community and economic development and spiritual enlightenment.

* S.P.I.R.I.T. When we use the words spirit and spiritual, we're not talking about religion. We define those words as Stewardship; Purpose; Integrity; Responsibility; Inspiration and True identity (remembering we are spiritual beings having a spiritual experience temporarily in a human form). We deeply appreciate the work of Judi Neal, Director of the Tyson Center for Faith and Spirituality in the Workplace and Patricia Aburdene’s great work in Mega Trends 2010, Seven Trends That Will Change the Way We Live, Work and Invest.  She reported in her book that 3 of the 7 trends were spiritual and the most significant trend was spiritual, especially in the world of business.

Click Here for a one page PDF flier with an overview of Universal StewardHeirShip, Inc.

Click Here to see our answer to the question "How to design a spiritual business?"
posted on the Tyson Center for Faith and Spirituality in the Workplace.

Please sign up for our free periodic ezines!
You can choose any (or all) of our topics on Universal StewardHeirShip including: personal growth and development: community empowerment; spiritual enlightenment; Infopreneurship (including publishing and Internet marketing); New Thought; Sedona projects; and sustainable living (including structured water)


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Click Here to see how Universal StewardHeirShip is multi-faceted like an icosahedron!

Click Here for our invitation for you to participate and benefit as a cocreator and collaborator.

 In a recent workshop in Sedona, Ultimate Destiny asked participants to brainstorm answers to the following question: “Given the global social, economic and environmental crises, what attitudes and skills can help us discover and apply more positive, creative, and sustainable approaches and strategies?

Here are some of the answers we received (that we have incorporated into Universal StewardHeirShip):

  • Awakening to our spiritual identity.

  • Realizing more of our inherent potential.

  • Harnessing our creative mind power.

  • Flowing our energy to solutions rather than problems.

  • Remembering who we really are and why we are here.

  • Fulfilling our life purposes and missions.

  • Making a difference and leaving a legacy.

  • Maintaining a positive mental attitude.

  • Loving, serving and blessing others.

  • Applying creative thinking and problem-solving.

  • Manifesting stewardship over the rich talents and
    treasures entrusted to us by God/Spirit/Source/Creator.

Our plan for accomplishing our vision and mission encompasses:

We have also created Strategic Marketing Systems™ and developed several effective models of a Strategic Marketing Matrix™ template that can be utilized to help demonstrate on one page the strategic plans developed to help ensure the ultimate success of any goal, product or organization. It was the SMM that we created for the 14 titles in our Ultimate Destiny Success System Library that helped us obtain a literary agency agreement with one of the world’s top agencies.

Click Here for the Strategic Marketing Matrix for Universal StewardHeirShip, Inc.

Following are four examples of how we create a Strategic Marketing Matrix
 to help ensure the ultimate success of our organizations, programs and products.

(The programs and products represented by the images in the center of the tables are the highest level priorities, similar to the highest priced items in a marketing funnel. The outer images represent various free and minimal cost resources that are strategically designed and marketed to generate traffic, promote cross sales and upsales.)

Click Here for a PDF for Ultimate Destiny's Strategy for "Blessing Millions and Leaving a Trillion Dollar Legacy"

Click Here for a PDF of the Implementation Strategy for Establishing CAN DO!
CED Empowerment Resource Centers

Click Here for a PDF of the Strategy for Helping Introduce the Principles and Practices Known as New Thought

Click Here for a PDF for CENTER SPACE (the Center for Spiritual, Personal And Community Empowerment)

If you resonate with our shared vision and mission, we invite you to consider how you might want to participate in the ongoing evolution and cocreative process. Click Here to discover how participation in Universal Stewardheirship, Inc. might be of value to you. For an overview of available revenue participation opportunities, please visit www.universalstewardheirship.com/opportunities.htm. startup firm badge

Accredited investors are invited to request a copy of the Investment Marketing Memorandum.  Please contact us with your comments, questions and suggestions by phone at 928-387-LOVE (5683), 928-554-4715 or by email at ceo@universalstewardheirship.com. Thank you!




TED Profile

Charles Betterton, MS CED, creator and coauthor of the 14 stand-alone titles in the Ultimate Destiny Success System Library with the Small Group Discussion edition.  Each one includes discovery exercises, quizzes, self-assessments, application exercises, featured resources, bonuses, supplemental resources, coaching, etc.

PS. Earl Nightingale, the “Dean of Motivation” and co-founder of Nightingale-Conant (the World Leader in Personal Development since 1960) told a story about a father who was trying to work who had a young son who wanted to play. The father cut a picture of the world out of a magazine and made it into a jigsaw puzzle. He gave it to his son and told him that they could play when he had put the puzzle back together. 

The father, who had imagined that it would take his son at least several minutes to complete the task, was surprised when his son returned almost instantly back with the puzzle completed. When he asked his son how he had managed to put it together so quickly, his son answered: “It was easy Dad. There was a picture of a man on the other side and when I put the picture of the man together, the world was together too.” 

Ultimate Destiny is fostering the realization of human potential and “expanding the circle of success” to help people learn how to learn, especially those who may have had limited experience with development training materials. We are helping these individuals learn how to put their own “success puzzles” together. And just like the story about the father and his son, as the individual pieces come together for each person, the puzzle for the whole world begins to come into focus. That is why we now ask you this question:

 Which Pieces of Solving Your Universal StewardHeirShip 
Success Puzzle Are Most Important To You Personally?
(Click on any of the images below for more details about each stand-alone program)

A Comprehensive "University for StewardHeirShip"

Over 1,400 pages in 14 stand-alone digital programs!

Please Click Here to participate in our brief Survey on Infopreneurship

Click Here for our invitation for you to participate and benefit as a cocreator and collaborator.

 Please visit our new FaceBook page and Like It!  

Visit Leaders for Communities

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Expanding the Circle of Success


Ultimate Destiny University presents the Ultimate Destiny Success System for Expanding the Circle of Success by providing Successful Living Skills for the 21st Century through a network of local non-profit CAN DO! Community Resource Centers that will help generate greater individual and collective capacity for Solving Personal, Community, National and Global Ultimate Success Puzzles!

We are inviting our Ultimate Destiny Hall of Fame Award recipients to help donate 100 million dollars worth of development training programs over the next 10 years to and through non-profit organizations. The intention is  to facilitate application of individual and collective StewardHeirShip principles and practices as we address the increasing social, economic and environmental challenges we face and the opportunities inherent within them.

        Donations to help provide scholarships and matching grants are welcome!

We Also Offer Joint Venture and Affiliate Opportunities!

Click Here for insights on ARI-STARTUP-ZONA and The Great Community by Arthur Morgan.


Over one billion people lack safe water, and three billion lack sanitation; eighty per cent of infectious diseases are waterborne, killing millions of children each year. — World Bank Institute, 1999

Click Here for Information on how the non-profit Ultimate Water
for Humanity Project seeks to provide access to clean water.

Click Here for a free copy of the digital edition of Introduction to Structured Water with Clayton Nolte and for our invitation to help demonstrate the health benefits, cost savings and environmental advantages of "structured water"  including how it significantly enhances the nutritional value of food.

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