Empowerment Resource Center

Providing Resources for Personal, Organizational and
Community Development, Empowerment and Enlightenment 







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Community Resource Center

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Empowerment Resource Centers

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Community Development and Empowerment

"When a community and its people are empowered, they have the capacity to articulate their needs, to identify actions to solve those needs, and to mobilize and organize resources in pursuit of commonly defined goals."  Lorraine Garkovich, University of Kentucky

Discover and Manifest Your Community's Ultimate Destiny!


Some of the main resources available from CAN DO! for Community Development and Empowerment include model  Empowerment Resource Centers, ETMS, Empowerment Training Mentoring Systems tailored
to community, Co-creative Visioning for Communities, You CAN DO! Too Resource Manuals, etc.



Ultimate Destiny University is collecting resources for community development and empowerment and will publish them as Discover and Manifest Your Community's Ultimate Destiny.

The signature version of the Discover and Manifest Your Ultimate Destiny book series is targeted to individuals. Subsequent editions will feature Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development, Organizations, Businesses, Communities and Spiritual Organizations.

The edition for Community will feature:  the works of Arthur Morgan and Community Services, Inc., Richard Poston and the Community Development Society, Dr Michael Swack and Community Economic Development,  Dr. Donald Pitzer of the Historic Communal Societies Association, M. Scott Peck and the Foundation for Community Encouragement, the Fellowship for Intentional Community, and resources from NCCED (the National Congress for Community Economic Development) and NAHRO (the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials),with quotes on community by these authors along with Corrine McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson of the Center for Visionary Leadership, Loraine Garkovich, Margaret Wheatley, etc.

Click here for the introduction to the Wheel of Life Exercise.

Click here for a PDF of the modified Wheel for Community

Here are a couple of introductory articles on community.

The Art and Science of Community

Lifetime In Pursuit of Community
































The CAN DO! Empowerment Resource Center is a joint venture of three affiliated non-profit organizations: Ultimate Destiny University, CENTER SPACE (The Center for Personal, Spiritual And Community Empowerment) and the Center for Conscious Sustainable Living.


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