Empowerment Resource Center Project
the Circle of Success™
August 30, 2008
Mayor Mark Behnke
10 N. Division St., Suite 215
Battle Creek, Michigan 49014
Dear Mayor Behnke:
We are writing on behalf of a
strategic alliance of individuals, companies and nonprofit
organizations with a shared vision of Expanding the
Circle of Success. We are seeking the best location in
Southwest Michigan to establish a model Empowerment Resource
Center demonstration project.
We are considering Battle Creek or
the surrounding area and would like to meet with you to
explore the best way this might be presented to communities
in the area and whether Battle Creek may be interested in
hosting a Center. The nonprofit Center would provide books,
training CDs, DVDs and other training materials worth well
over $10,000 in every major development field including
personal, professional, organizational, community and
Because we are seeking preliminary
demonstration sites, we would help obtain any required
funding. The Empowerment Resource Center will need a space
that is large enough to house the collection, and staff time
to manage the collection. We estimate this could be done
with 25% of an existing staff person’s time. We plan to
establish Centers throughout the country. Some will be
larger training centers while others, such as the center we
propose for Battle Creek, will be resource centers for the
community at large. Training will be available for those who
staff the Center.
Members of our team have over
thirty years of experience developing award-winning programs
and products that have helped individuals, organizations,
and communities achieve more of their potential. For over
ten years, we have been producing community oriented
programs with well-known experts such as Dr. Norman Vincent
Peale, Paul J. Meyer, Les Brown, Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Mark
Victor Hansen, Bonnie St. John Dean, Chin-Ning Chu, Jim
Britt and many others.
Enclosed is a flyer on the
award-winning Success Center Partnership we developed for
the Muncie, Indiana Public Housing Authority with help from
Les Brown. We have reference letters from Chambers of
Commerce, elected officials, United Way Executives, and
business owners.
Based on our preliminary review of
communities in Southwest Michigan, it appears to us that
Battle Creek meets most of the criteria we have identified
for determining where to offer to develop our demonstration
Empowerment Resource Center.
Please review the enclosures and
consider how an Empowerment Resource Center will assist you
and your administration in accomplishing your goals for the
City of Battle Creek. If you believe it would be mutually
beneficial for us to explore the possibility of working
together, we would appreciate an opportunity to meet with
you in person at your earliest convenience.
During our meeting, we will
present more specific information on the hundreds of tested
and proven resources that we will provide through the
Center. We will also introduce you to a member of our
management team that has developed award-winning community
resource centers for over 30 years, generated million of
dollars in grants, produced successful training programs for
up to 2,000 participants and developed successful
micro-enterprise development programs.
If, after our meeting, you share
our view that locating an Empowerment Resource Center in
Battle Creek would be mutually beneficial, we would ask you
to help identify community leaders from the private, public
and nonprofit sectors to invite to an introductory
orientation session. We would also invite you to help
identify those who could serve in leadership roles on the
committee that will be established to ensure the ultimate
success of the Center.
We would also like your assistance
to help us identify a site for this Center. The ideal
facility for our demonstration project would have several
hundred square feet with a meeting room with a capacity for
20 to 30 people and a larger room capable of seating at
least 100 people.
This could be a partnership with
an existing nonprofit organization or company that has
available space that could be used by creating a mutually
beneficial relationship.
Enclosed is a sample flyer of how
we might introduce the Empowerment Resource Center and ETMS
(Empowerment Training Mentoring System) if it were based in
Battle Creek. When we meet, we will provide samples of our
Empowerment Resource Showcases.
Thank you for your consideration.
We look forward to meeting with you to explore our vision of
fostering organizational and community development and
Penny Kelly Charles